Hartlip Parish Magazine - on-line archive
April 1915 : page 2 (of 2)
APRIL, 1915.
Dear Friends,
Owing to the accumulation of things, one was not able to write this letter until the second day of spring. Yes, spring is with us; the birds, with their new songs of delight, tell us so; the flowers, rearing their heads and opening their petals, picture to us the same welcome message. The earth is rising, as it were, from her grave, into life and beauty, and therefore spreading joy and gladness all around.
But this lovely scene is blurred to the eyes of too many: for, owing to this cruel war, all they see is, perchance, an unknown grave, and he who was the light and the flower of their home, lies therein. Alas, this spring brings death and desolation to thousands of homes - to us, to our Allies, and to the enemy also.
There have been appalling losses of life thus far; but in the impending and decisive battles, to be fought in Belgium and in France, we must evidently be prepared for more terrible happenings still.
How can we meet such in the right spirit of submission, unless by the help of Almighty God? Let us then cling to our Bible reading, and be more particular about our daily prayers morning and evening, for that is our great stay. But let us encourage one another, too, by our regular attendance at public worship, for in so doing we both honour God; as well as help ourselves. The Intercession Services in Lent were well attended; one hopes this means that we are learning the value of Intercession. We were helped and strengthened by the sermons of my kind neighbour - to whom one is much indebted - who came every Wednesday evening to give us their counsel.
But when Lent is past, and we continue our Wednesday Intercession Services, though without a sermon, it is hoped sincerely that all who possibly can will attend and join in the Intercessions, for there is so much, and so many, that we should intercede for at this sad time: the broken hearts and the anxious ones; the wounded and the sick; our sailors and soldiers; our noble King and his advisers; and that we as a nation and individuals may feel more and more our great need of God.
April 2 is Good Friday, our Saviour's great day of suffering and anguish, for us men and for our salvation. Do we at all realise what that day wrought for us, and what He then endured? And that - though prospectively - it was actually our sins which nailed Him to the Cross, and added to the bitter agony of that - to Him - dark day. If we are striving to discover our own sins and by His help to overcome them, we shall be able and ready to confess, with a true and contrite heart, in the words of the hymn-writer:-
It was my pride and hardness
That hung Him on the Tree;
Those cruel nails, O Saviour,
Were driven in by me."
And often I have slighted
That gentle voice that child;
Forgive me, too, Lord Jesus;
I knew not what, I did."
If we have such thoughts as these in our mind on Good Friday, then we will observe the Day in a becoming manner.
The Annual Lantern Service - for which slides have been booked - will be held at 7 p.m., to which ALL ARE WELCOME. Children may attend if accompanied by their parents.
The collections that day, after paying for the hire of the slides, will be given to the Society for the Conversion of God's ancient people the Jews.
On Easter Day the Services will be as usual, as seen below. That is indeed a day of joy, for then it was that our blessed Lord broke the bonds of death and hell, and opened to us the gate of everlasting life. It is the Queen of Festivals, when the Church calls upon every one of her members - after due preparation - to partake of the Holy Sacrament of His Body and Blood. It is a call none of us can lightly ignore or refuse. Do you say, "you are not good enough"; but are you good enough to die. Don't let excuses lead you to put off, what the Lord asks you to do, viz., "Do this in remembrance of Me."
Your faithful friend and Pastor,
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£ | s. | d. | ||||
Feb. | 2 | - | A.C.S. | 0 | 1 | 7 |
" | 7 | - | Sunday School Fund | 0 | 19 | 6 |
" | 14 | - | Church Expenses | 0 | 17 | 5 |
" | 17 | - | A.C.S. | 0 | 1 | 5 |
" | 21 | - | Temperance Society | 1 | 14 | 2 |
" | 24 | - | A.C.S. | 0 | 1 | 1 |
" | 28 | - | Church Expenses | 1 | 1 | 1 |
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Apr. | 1 | - | Thursday - ante-Communion 10 a.m. |
" | 2 | - | GOOD FRIDAY - Mattins and Sermon, 11 a.m. Lantern Service, 7 p.m. |
" | 3 | - | Easter Eve - Decorating Church, 10 a.m. |
" | 4 | - | EASTER DAY - Holy Communion, 8 and 12. Mattins at 11. Children's Service, 3. Evensong and Sermon, 6.30. |
" | 5 | - | Monday Holy Communion, 10.30 a.m. |
" | 6 | - | Tuesday - Holy Communion, 10.30 a.m. |
" | 25 | - | St. Mark's Day - Holy Communion, 10.30 a.m. |
Intercession Service for the War every Wednesday evening.