Dear Friends,

Our Dedication Festival (on St. Michael's Day) was duly observed by a Celebration of Holy Communion at 10.30 and Choral Evensong at 7.30, when Canon Robins, Rural Dean of Rochester, preached on "The Ministry of the Angels." The offertory that day, as shown below, was given to the Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution, which is worthy of the support of all tillers of the land because of the grants it makes to aged farmers, their widows and orphan daughters. The Church was beautifully decorated for the Dedication, as also for the Harvest Festival on October 4, and I am grateful to all for their seasonable assistance.

On the morning of the 4th Mr. Tamplin exchanged with me, and in the evening Mr. Blogg, H.M.S. Acheron, whom I knew many years ago, preached. The offertory of £3 0s. 7d. was in aid of the Rochester Hospital, letters of admission to which I always have by me, and am pleased to issue to necessitous cases.

We had a successful, though small, Jumble Sale on the Vicarage drive on Saturday, October 10, when the rain of the early morning gave place to sunshine in the afternoon, and made the Sale a possibility.

The personnel of our Day School has changed by the resignation of Miss M. A. Kitchingham, who for some fourteen years has had charge of the Infant Division. It was felt by many that some recognition should be made of the services thus rendered by a parishioner who had first been scholar, then teacher, in her village school. The idea was keenly taken up, and with the substantial sum promptly collected it was decided to purchase a gold curb bracelet, with "M. A. K., from Hartlip, 1908," engraved on the gold padlock; an umbrella with name and address on a silver band; and a set of ebony hair brushes and hand-glass, mounted with silver initials. The presentation took place at the Vicarage on Wednesday evening, October 7, in the presence of the Vicar, Mrs. McMillan, Mr. and Mrs. Locke, Miss Faussett Osborne, Messrs. G. Eason, T. Sone, J. Godden, and Jn. Harris; also Mrs. Kitchingham, sen., with Mr. and Mrs. T. Kitchingham. Miss Kitchingham was exceedingly gratified, and expressed her delight with the handsome presents, and referred in feeling terms to the appreciative letter received from the Vicar on behalf of the Managers, which she would value all her life.

We welcome Miss Capell on taking up her work in the Infant Division, and wish her all success in her new undertaking in our midst.

November 29 ushers in the solemn season of Advent, which reminds us of our Lord's second coming, and that the latter is really a fact, though a far more alarming one, to those who love not His appearing.

May we live daily in the thought "the Lord is at hand."

I remain, yours sincerely,


Sept.6-Church Expenses3129
"13-Sick and Poor120
"20-Church Expenses181
"27-Church Expenses136
"29-Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution11010
Oct.4-Doris May, daughter of William Daniel and Ellen Elizabeth Cork.
"28-Iris Malviney, daughter of Elmer Ellsworth and Clara Charlotte Davison.
November1-All Saints' Day.
"8-Twenty-first Sunday after Trinity.
"15-Twenty-second Sunday after Trinity.
"22-Sunday next before Advent.
"29-Advent Sunday.

November 30 - St. Andrew, A.M. Holy Communion, 10.30 a.m.