JULY, 1908.

Hotel Schweizerhof,

Falls of the Rhine,

June 19, 1908

Dear Friends,

I write this letter on the terrace of the hotel, immediately opposite one of the finest sights in Switzerland, if not in Europe. At the foot of this steep hill on which the hotel is built runs the historic Rhine, and only a hundred yards distant are the Falls, some seventy-four feet in height - an immense body of water (the result of melting snow from the mountains) rushing over a very irregular ridge, hindered and impeded by masses of rock and rocky islands, with the result that there is a constant mass of snow-white foam, with a cloud of spray rising a hundred feet high, in which, at times, in the sunlight are displayed all the colours of the rainbow. Truly a glorious scene, which attracts visitors from near and far, including a constant stream of proud Americans, who wish to compare it with their famous Falls of Niagara. By night, in the season, they are illuminated by electric and coloured lights, which make a series of pictures one can never forget.

The result of our parochial effort on behalf of the Pan-Anglican Thank-offering Fund was very encouraging in the amount raised, though a number of envelopes are still not returned. Many brought them to Church and put them in the plate, others chose to place their offerings directly in the plate in the usual way. From various sources we had raised previously £1 14s. the envelopes returned contained £9 11s. 4d., and, with the offertories on Whitsunday of £3 9s. 1d., made a total of £14 5s. 8d. The expenses amounted to 8s. 9d., leaving the net sum of £14 5s. 8d., which I remitted to the Rural Dean, and for which he sent me a receipt.

It is most gratifying that our little Parish should raise such a sum, which, together with like contributions from Parishes the world over, will be offered to Almighty God on St. John Baptist Day, in St.

Paul's Cathedral, as a Thank-offering for all His blessings to our Church; all of which will be expended in lands across the sea for the extension of Christ's Kingdom amongst people far less privileged than we in the Mother Country.

While in Switzerland we have heard of the birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Faussitt Osborne, and hope soon to have the pleasure of welcoming that little lady to Hartlip.

I remain, dear friends,

Yours sincerely,


May10-Church Expenses139
"17-Diocesan Education Society120
"24-Church Expenses121
"31-Church Expenses1111


June 8 - Thomas Frederick Witham and Minnie Crayden.

July5-Third Sunday after Trinity.
"12-Fourth Sunday after Trinity.
"19-Fifth Sunday after Trinity.
"26-Sixth Sunday after Trinity.