Dear Friends,

All of you who have Missionary Boxes, will you please send them to the Vicarage on or before December 5?

On December 6 the Collections will be in aid of Foreign Missions (S.P.G.), when the morning preacher will be one of the Clergy of Holy Trinity, Sittingbourne.

Yet another present has Miss M. A. Kitchingham received, this one being from the School Staff and scholars (past and present), and consisting of two handsome cut-glass scent bottles, silver-mounted. These were presented to her by the Vicar at the close of the afternoon school on November 5.

Advent once more is with us, with all its associations and reminders of our Lord's Second Coming; which Coming will be a reality, for "Every eye shall then behold Him robed in dreadful majesty; they who set at nought and sold Him, pierced and nailed Him to the tree." May we "Thy Holy Word obey, and so prepare to meet Thee."

My neighbours are kindly exchanging with me this season, so that the Special Preachers will be as follows:- First Sunday in Advent, the Vicar of Rainham, at 6.30. Second Sunday, one of the Clergy of Holy Trinity, Sittinghourne, at 11. Third Sunday, the Vicar of Bobbing, at 6.30. Fourth Sunday, the Vicar of Halstow, at 11.

Christmas is close upon us, with all its happy associations and family gatherings. May all our homes be free from sickness during the Festive Season this year.

But let us not forget that most important of family gatherings, viz., the Children of God at the Table of the Lord, on the Festival when His Son came to earth, "for us men and our salvation." Let us carefully prepare to keep Christmas in this way first, then we shall be the better able to enjoy its festivities.

There will be a Celebration of Holy Communion at 8 and 11 a.m.; and on the 26th, 27th, and 28th, at 8 a.m.

There is going to be a Confirmation in this neighbourhood in the spring, which means that the Classes will begin immediately after Christmas. Therefore I would ask the parents to talk to their children about this sacramental and Apostolic ordinance, and if any are anxious about it they may come and see me.

Confirmation is intended for those of any age, but they should be old enough to thoroughly understand

the step they are taking, and what it means for the future.

We have reached a critical, yet perhaps hopeful, stage in the Education question, and it is much to be desired that a final and just conclusion may be reached; therefore let all of us who sincerely desire peace combined with equity, pray that wisdom be granted to those who make our laws.

I remain, yours sincerely,


Oct.4-Rochester Hospital307
"11-Church Expenses1611
"18-Sick and Poor103
"25-Church Expenses0188
Nov.1-Ivy May, daughter of Ernest John and Rosa Jane Gold, Matts Hill.
"1-Dorothy Nellie, daughter of W. Lewis and Emily Jane Hills, Hartlip.
"1-George Frederick, son of George and Ada Alice Eason, Guildsted.
Dec.6-II Sunday in Advent.
"13-III Sunday in Advent.
"20-IV Sunday in Advent.
"25-Christmas Day.
Mattins60 An.62322
"27-St. John, E.I. Sunday after Christmas.
Dec.21-St. Thomas, A. and M. Mattins, 10.30 a.m.
"26-St. Stephen. Holy Communion. 10.30 a.m.
"28-Innocents' Day. Holy Communion, 10.30 a.m.