Hartlip Parish Magazine - on-line archive
June 1893 : page 1 (of 1)
April 23 - Clifford John, son of Stephen Samuel and Jane Boddiam.
May 7-William Robert, son of Frederick Thomas and Minnie Beatrice Fanny Waters.
The Vicar and Mrs. Farmer will be absent from Hartlip during June. The Sunday Services will be taken by the clergy of St. Margaret's next Rochester and of Borstal. The Morning Service will begin at 11.15, instead of 11 o'clock, to suit the railway times. The Evening Service and the Bible Class will be discontinued for the summer. The Girls' Friendly Society will not meet during June. The Early Communion Services on the 2nd and 4th days will also be omitted. The Vicar of Stockbury will kindly attend to any week-day duty. The offertories all day on June 11 will be for the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (S.P.C.K.) and the Diocesan Temperance Society (C.E.T.S.) The former Society has several times helped us by giving books to the Library, and Bibles, etc to the School.
The following are the names of those who received prizes in Hartlip Sunday School on Easter Day:- Harry Lampkin, William Kitchingham, George Sone, Leonard Overill, Minnie Hollands, Alice Cork, Emily Hollands, Emily Cork, Elizabeth Boakes, Mercy Hyland, Ellen Harris, Ella Kitchingham, Frederick Harris, Reginald Hollands, William Cork, Gertrude Hollands, Mildred Harris, Clementine Clout, Ernest Hollands, Alfred Holloway, Albert Cork, Ethel Harris, John Hyland.
The following scholars received illuminated text-cards:-
John Simmonds, Frank Attwood, Walter Trice, Percy Trice, George Attwood, Daisy Barham. Mrs. Farmer's special prizes were won by Alice Cork, Ella Kitchingham, Louie Hyde (all full marks), Lizzie Boakes and William Cork. The Vicar also presented books to Minnie Rayner and Agnes Sone.
The Concert arranged on behalf of our Bell Restoration Fund by Miss Faussett-Osborne and family was a great success. The room was crowded, and about £4 was realised. We thank all the kind helpers.
The Archdeacon and the Rural Dean inspected our Church together on Thursday, May 18. The following entry in the Vestry Book was made by the Archdeacon, and is very satisfactory:-
"I this day made my first parochial visitation of this interesting little Church, the last having been held by my predecessor in office in 1876. The restoration of the Church has in the meanwhile been thoroughly carried out - the most recent part of which has been that of the tower; the bells being at the present moment in hand. Everything both within and without Church bespeaks the reverent care that is taken of the sacred fabric. I was accompanied the Rural Dean, and met by the Vicar and Churchwarden, Mr. Stevens.
"Archdeacon of Maidstone."
"May 18th 1893."