Offertories 14th February and 14thPrizes, Easter, 1892193
August213Reward Cards0111
Vicar's Subscription0100Register Books, Lesson Notes, Bi-
H. Webb Esq.050bles, Prayer Books and Hymn
Bibles, Prayer Books, and HymnBooks124
Books sold0135Subscriptions to "Sunday"160
Due to Vicar as Treasurer09Carriage of Parcels020

Found correct, THOMAS SONE.
January 23rd, 1893.

Maunday Thursday, 30th March8.0 p.m. - Lantern Service in School, free, collection after.
Good Friday, 31st March11.0 a.m. - Mattins, Litany, and Sermon.
""6.30 p.m.—Preparation for Holy Communion after Evensong.
""No Afternoon Service.
Easter Day, 2nd April8.30 a.m. - Holy Communion.
""11.0 a.m. - Mattins and Holy Communion.
""3.0 p.m. - Evensong and Sermon.
""6.30 p.m.- Special Service and Address.

Every parishioner shall communicate at the least three times in the year, of which Easter to be one. - (The Church's rule in the Book of Common Prayer.)

The Easter Vestry to appoint Church Wardens and Sidesmen, and to pass the yearly accounts, will be held on Easter Monday, 3rd April, at 7.30 p.m.

A Petition to the House of Commons against the "Suspensory Bill" (which is an attempt to injure a part of the Church of England), can be signed in Hartlip. The Welsh Dioceses are part of the province of Canterbury, and Church property was given by Church people for the Glory of God, and maintenance of the ministers of the Church.

On 23rd April the offertories will be for the Diocesan Easter Offering Fund (at the Archbishop's request), and for the Anglo-Continental Society.