Hartlip School Punishment Book

cover of punishment book

Among the documents kept at Hartlip School is the punishment book. It covers the period from February 1909 to November 1936. Each entry gives the name of the person being punished, the date, reason for punishment and the number of strokes administered.

It is possible to search the entries using the search box on the right.

Search Punishment Book

Select the first letter of the pupil's surname for whom you are searching from the box below. Then choose from the list of surnames that will appear underneath the area below the box.

Results will be displayed in the lower part of the screen.

Search Results Charles LEONARD was caned on 6 separate occasions, and received in total 10 strokes of the cane.
To view the actual entry in the punishment book, click on the page number in the table below (opens in new window).
9th Feb 1909Disobedience11
11th Mar 1909Disobedience22
6th Apr 1909Disobedience23
8th Apr 1909Disobedience13
20th Apr 1909Disobedience23