Hartlip Parish Magazine - on-line archive
February 1944 : page 3 (of 4)
Vicarage Cottage, Hartlip.
My dear Children,
Some of you who have read my other letter will have noticed that the Confirmation this year is going to be much earlier, and, therefore, you must give me your names at once if you are thinking of being confirmed. Confirmation is a very important step in your life, and it must be taken very seriously. If you are to become a full member of the Church, it means that you must know something about your Church, its services and history, and, above all, live a good Christian life, before I can present you to the Bishop as a fit person to be confirmed. The Confirmation service will be in Stockbury Parish Church.
I should like all the children who have been to Sunday School at all to come next Sunday, as at the moment our numbers are not very large; there are only about fifty coming to Newington at present, and a few at Hartlip. I am sorry that I cannot come in to see you at Hartlip, but I have to be at Newington at that time, and you cannot be in two places at once; but one day I shall come in and see you unexpectedly.
With all good wishes for a good term at school.
Your very sincerely,
The following letter has been received from the R.A.F. Comforts Committee:
Dear Madam, - Very, very many thanks to all who so generously contributed to your further splendid donation of £2/2/0 towards our R.A.F. Cigarette Fund, making £12/12/0 in all. We do so appreciate your kindness in responding so magnificently to our appeal, and this welcome gift has file No. C.967. - Yours truly,
For Officer-in-Charge R.A.F. Comforts.
Very many thanks for the following donations towards our Wool Comforts: - Mrs. Lowther, 5/0; Miss Jackson, 5/0.
Once again we give our thanks to boxholders, by whose generosity we have been able to forward £7/11/2 towards the work of this Society. By the kindness of a few members of the Golden Needle League we sent a small parcel of clothing to this large family. We regret the death of Mrs. Barber, and thank Mrs. Lewis for continuing this box. We also welcome Mrs. Gill as a new boxholder.
M. J. SPICER, Local Secretary.
I am continually requested for books and periodicals by men in the Forces, some who are on lonely sites. If you can turn out any books or weekly or monthly papers and hand them to me, I will pass them on to the men who really need them. This is not much that I am asking you to do for them, or is it?
Hartlip - Nov. 28th -
David Howard James Lloyd.
Nov. 28th - Rosemary Lavina Lloyd.
Dec. 5th - Hilary Ann Dadson.
Hartlip - Dec. 2nd - George Milgate, aged 69.
Dec. 23rd - Edward George Hunt, aged 73.
Dec. 29th - Laura Harriss, aged 89.
Newington - Jan. 5th - Elizabeth Argent, aged 74.
Jan. 17th - Wyndham William Walter, aged 73.
Feb. 6th, Mrs. Goodhew; 13th, Miss Ledger; 20th, Miss V. Osborne. No Flowers in Lent.