My dear People,

June brings us to the end of the first half of the Christian year with its ordered round of festival and fast. June 5th is Whit-Sunday, the Church's birthday, and the following Sunday is Trinity Sunday, a day which sums up the whole of Christian teaching in the revelation of what God is - one God in three persons or essences - the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. The word "person" does not mean what we commonly mean by person. We have no word in English which conveys the meaning of the Latin "persona." There is but one God. We worship, the Trinity in Unity, and we speak of the Mystery of God the Three in One.

Our summer outing for the Sunday School will be at Sheerness this year, and the date is June 23rd. The coach will leave the lych gate at 8.30, a.m. Children bring their own lunch. The tea will be in Holy Trinity Hall, and will be provided by the branch of the Mothers' Union there, and if they do us as well as last year we shall be fortunate. Parents and friends will he welcome, but I must know by June 14th who wish to join us, as the coach or coaches must be arranged for then, as we cannot pay fo empty seats.

Mrs. Mutter will be glad to receive donations to pay the children's expenses.

The Kent Electric Power Company is well on with our installation in the Church; the Tower and Vestry are finished, and the whole will be completed in another fortnight.

Would anyone like to purchase a lamp, or lamps, which will be sold cheap? Application can be made to our People's Warden - Mr. S. Hollands.

The Deanery Clergy are coming for a Quiet Day on June 22nd, so if you hear the Church bell frequently ringing you will know the reason why. If any care to attend the celebration of Holy Communion that day at 8.15 a.m. they are very welcome to do so.

Your sincerely,



The Holy Communion will be celebrated at 7, 8, and 11 a.m. The collections that day go to the Melanesian Mission.


A nice number of our members went to Rainham on May 11th to the annual Summer Festival of the Sittingbourne Deanery. Over four hundred members gathered there and had tea in the new Parish Hall. Fortunately it was a fine day and so some could sit outside for tea. Rainham joins up with the Rochester Diocese next month. It will be a loss to our Deanery, but as Rainham and Bredhurst are attached to Gillingham in civil matters it is well no doubt that these parishes should be thus transferred from the Canterbury Diocese, for after all, it is a case of going back to the Diocese to which they belonged many years ago.


The Lord Bishop of Dover came on the 17th ultimo and administered Confirmation to five of our own Hartlip candidates. It was a beautiful service, and with such a small number the service was short. His Lordship gave a most impressive talk to the candidates and their friends who were present. We shall not soon forget the wise words we heard. Those presented for the Rite were Gordon Philip Read, Kathleen Crayford, Betty Twort, Marjorie Walker, and Jean Ingram. Stockbury had no candidates to bring over, and as Newington is still without a Vicar, there were none from there.


Mr. Beecher came on the 19th of May and examined the scholars in Religious Knowledge. His report has come and it is very satisfactory.


On Tuesday, June 21st, at 5p.m., Mrs. C. W. Hope and Mr. Horace Grensted are arranging for a programme of Sacred Music to be given in our Church. A silver collection will be taken up for the Church Electric Light Fund. Marie Evans is to play violin solos. Miss M. Jones will play the 'cello. Mesdames C. L. Hope and J. Orr, Messrs. R. Smith and Captain Marks will sing a quartette. Mr. R. Smith will sing an Oratorio solo. In addition to the foregoing Mr. Henry Wall will play organ solos. It is hoped a large number of Hartlip people will be present as well as visitors from outside the parish.