Hartlip Parish Magazine - on-line archive
April 1938 : page 2 (of 2)
My dear People,
With the issue of this Magazine our thoughts are turned to Holy Week and Easter once again - Holy Week, when we recall the sufferings endured by our Saviour at the end of His life, culminating in the death upon the Cross of Calvary, where Jesus the Son of God made the Supreme Sacrifice for the sin of the world and purchased Redemption for mankind; then Easter, with the joy of the knowledge of the Resurrection and the pledge of eternal life. A list of services is printed below. A well spent Holy Week and Good Friday is the best preparation for entering on the true joys of Easter. Need I remind you that at Easter every loyal member of the Church throughout Christendom is invited to make his or her Communion at the Altar? It is, perhaps, the oldest Rule in the Church Universal that on this day all shall endeavour to receive the Blessed Sacrament of Christ's Body and Blood.
I therefore bid you welcome, and wish you the joy and peace of Easter.
Your sincerely,
Holy Week - Daily H.C. at 10 a.m.
Thursday - Evening Service with preparation for Communion at 7.30 p.m.
Good Friday - Matins and Ante-Communion Service 11 a.m. Children (Way of the Cross) 3 p.m. Evening 7.30 p.m.
EASTER - Holy Communion at 6.30 a.m., 8 a.m. and at 11 a.m. Children's Service and gift of eggs at 3 p.m. Evensong at 6.30 p.m.
Parents will like to know that the holidays this year are fixed by the Medway Education Board as follows: -
Easter - School is closed from Wednesday afternoon, April 13th, and re-opens on Monday, 25th.
Whitsuntide - Whit-Monday, June 6th.
Midsummer - Closes on Friday afternoon, June 17th, re-opens July 4th.
August Bank Holiday - August 1st.
Hopping Holiday - Friday afternoon, August 19th. until Monday, 26th of September.
Christmas - Friday afternoon, December 23rd, and re-opens Monday, January 9th, 1939.
Children going to the Rainham Central School from Hartlip will begin their holiday on Monday, August 1st, and start at Rainham on Monday September 12th.
Electric lighting will be installed in the Schools during the Easter Holiday.
The Rev. H. Lightburne, Rector of Upchurch, came on March 24th and addressed the monthly meeting. On Lady Day the members had their annual Corporate Communion.
Annual Subscriptions - These are now due. Mrs. Mutter, the enrolling member, desires to thank those who have already paid, and asks the members of Committee to please collect outstanding subscriptions from their groups and hand the money to Mrs. Kitchingham, our Hon. Secretary, or to herself during April.
At the next meeting it will be well to decide if our Branch will visit London this summer.
The girls are anxious to show that their meetings are not only for their own fun and amusement, but they want to live up to their motto: "Bear ye one another's burdens and so fulfil the law of Christ," so they are organising a Garden Party to help the Missionary cause. It will take place towards the end of May in the Vicarage Garden. Entrance fee 6d., which will include tea. There will be a stall for the sale of the girls' own work, including special competition articles, a secondhand stall, and a bran tub, etc. Folk dancing, Scottish Reels, and singing games will be performed.
All contributions towards the sale or tea still be gratefully received by Mrs. Mutter or Mrs. Luck.
The Bishop of Dover comes for a Confirmation Service on May 17th at 7 p.m.
We had hoped to have the electric light in the Church by Easter. Unforeseen legal delays have prevented this. But all the necessary legal documents are now in order, and by the end of April we hope the installation will be finished.
Please note the Annual Church Parish Meeting will be on the Tuesday in Easter week - April 19th, at 7.30 p.m., in the School. All friends are welcome. Music and light refreshment will follow.