Hartlip Parish Magazine - on-line archive
January 1937 : page 2 (of 2)
My dear people,-
To one and all of you I wish a happy New Year.
The month of December was filled for some days with gloomy National foreboding, and our Country and Empire passed through a period of crisis, but as our Archbishop observed, in the House of Lords, "We already look back on last week as a painful past, and we await the, light and hope of a new day." So the whole Empire and its dependencies have joined with heartfelt sympathy in welcoming King George VI. to the Throne.
1937 will inaugurate, we fervently wish, a new period of prosperity for all our peoples. For our new King and Queen we cannot wish more than that they may be able to follow in the steps of the late King George the Vth and our beloved Queen Mother. We have that confidence because the Prime Minister has told the people "that more than any of his brothers the King resembles his father in character and disposition of mind."
Our thoughts will turn to the Coronation fixed for May 12th. The past will be forgotten in the joy of that solemn hallowing of the Monarch, when he dedicates himself to God in the service of his people. More deeply because of what has gone before shall we pray "God save the King."
This magazine will be in the hands of the printers before there is time to refer to our Christmas Services and other doings at this time. Mr. Louis Hales, one of our Sidesmen, is ill in the Marylebone Hospital, and we wish him a speedy return to health.
Your sincerely,
The Vicar and Mrs. Mutter hope to entertain the Choir and Bellringers to supper on Thursday, January 7th, at 7.30 p.m.
On Wednesday night, December 30th, the members are having an entertainment called a "Silver Tree." Admission free, but a collection will be taken up from those present. Full particulars can be obtained from the members.
Eighteen dolls were purchased and the girls have beautifully dressed them. Mrs. Faussett-Osborne and her daughter Betty very kindly came and judged the work. A number of mothers came to see the exhibition. The dolls have all been sent to the Convalescent Home for poor children at Broadstairs, and to an Orphanage in London where they will bring joy to little peoples' hearts. Mrs. Mutter also received from Hartlip friends a collection of secondhand toys to send with the rest.
The Christmas Treat for our Sunday Scholars and the G.F.S. girls will be at 5 o'clock on Thursday, December 31st. Parents are invited to attend at 6.30 p.m. for the prize-giving and the entertainment by Professor Williams.
Miss Bates, the Sittingbourne Moral Worker came on the 8th December to tell of her work and to thank people who gave in the house-to-house collection the sum of £1/14/8. It was a dreadful day and only a few came. We are glad to know Mrs. Day, one of our Committee members, is recovering from a severe illness.
Dec. 6th - Ann, daughter of Frank and Winifred Musselwhite.
Dec. 5th — Lance Frederick Barrett to Evelyn Barrett.
Dec. 6th - Edward Thomas Hyde, aged 78 years.
The Bishop of Dower will hold a Confirmation Service in the Newington Church on Wednesday, April the 21st, at 7.30 p.m.
Names of those wishing to be confirmed should be handed to the Vicar during January and classes will then be arranged.