Hartlip Parish Magazine - on-line archive
January 1934 : page 2 (of 2)
My dear People,
The Christmas Festival will be past as you read this, and I hope you all had a happy time. I want to wish you this month a prosperous and happy New Year. A Calendar should accompany the Magazine this month and as you use it on your wall may it serve to remind you as the Sundays go by, of your Church and its worship. My wife joins me in thanks for all the kind greetings we have received.
Your sincerely,
Dec. 26th. - Robert William Henry Collins to May Philpot.
This will arrive here on Tuesday, January 2nd, in charge of Captain Coxall, who will visit you in your homes and take services in the, Church. This Captain has been trained at Headquarters in London and he is a layman who comes to us with the desire to help in his own particular way in giving us the Christian Message.
He will conduct a Mission Service for children on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, the 3rd to the 5th, and from Sunday to Thursday, the 7th to 11th. Time each day will be at 3 'o'clock.
He will also hold services for adults on Friday, January 5th, and from Monday, the 8th to the following Thursday in the, Church, at 7.30 p.m. He will also take the Sunday night service at 6.30.
All are given a hearty welcome to come to these services. He will be pleased to see visitors at his van, and will have literature on sale.
He depends for his food upon our liberality, and so I hope we shall see he is truly welcomed.
The Archbishop has appointed Sunday, December 31st, as a day of prayer, and I hope we shall all enter into the spirit of this and take our share with the Diocese in asking God's blessing upon this movement. The generosity of past benefactors has provided us with a beautiful church and school. Surely that alone is as call to us to do something for the fast growing Districts where new churches and schools have to be provided.
On January 20th, at 3 p.m., all the gifts of the Diocese for this Church extension, will be offered in Canterbury Cathedral.
Special envelopes will be circulated for Epiphany gifts, and what you give will be sent to Canterbury and marked as Hartlip's contribution. No names will appear, and the envelopes should be put on the plate either Jan. 7th or 14th.
In loyalty to our Archbishop's appeal, I hope see shall do our best, and make an effort of self-denial to help on the cause. Contributions, however small will be welcomed.
Please do not dismiss this appeal from your minds; rather resolve to "do your bit." "Freely ye have received, freely give." Make sure you have an envelope for your gift.
The girls are busy preparing for this to be held in the Parish Hall an January 3rd, at 7.30 p.m. The mothers are also helping. Not Often do the mothers appear on the stage, and it is whispered that their appearances will make a sensation in Hartlip. Many a husband little realises the talent his wife can hide. We anticipate a packed audience.
Will the members note that all united meeting with the Newington Branch will be held in the second week in January. A special speaker is coming to speak on the Way of Renewal. The enrolling member trusts that everyone from our Branch will be present. This is an important meeting.
All will be sorry to here that the Rev. D. H. Creaton has been very ill. He is somewhat better is the latest news. Our sympathy and kind thoughts go out to him and Mrs. Creaton, and we trust he may soon be convalescent.
Thanks to all who contributed to the Choristers' and Bell-Ringers' Funds. Needless to add, your appreciation of their services is most encouraging.