My dear People,-

Colonel, Mrs. and Miss Locke have arrived save in Malta, and when you hear a special peal on the bells you will know that Miss Barbara is married and has become Mrs. Hope.

Our sympathy will go out to all the family in the death of Mr. Ralph Locke, who passed away on the 13th instant. A full account of his strenuous and adventuresome life appeared in the "East Kent Gazette." His last days were of great suffering and the end came as a true relief. His body was laid to rest by the side of other members of the family in our Churchyard. The vicar of Goudhurst officiated, assisted by the Reverend Prebendary Emson and myself.

The G.F.S. and the Women's Fellowship have started their winter session, and the Mothers' Union is due to meet soon.

Armistice Sunday will be observed on Sunday, Nov. 5th. The British Legion and Old Comrades are specially invited to attend the evening service.

The Parish SOcial in the Hall was a great successful It was the Hall's first birthday party.

I want to invite all to go to Sittingbourne on November to Holy Trinity Church to hear the Dean of Canterbury speaking on his visit to China. Time. 7.15 p.m. Those interested in vital world problems will have a great treat. There is no charge ,but a collection will he made for missionary purposes.

Hearty congratulations to all promoters of the Sale for the Hospitals. It was if splendid effort.

Your sincerely,


Here is a Missing Word Puzzle. The blanks must be filled in with names of flowers, vegetables, or trees. To make sense a word may be required to both finish and start the next word. Send in your solution to the Vicar between Nov. 12 and 18th.

Dear ........ mary,

How nice of you to write at last; it gave me ..................... for as I said to Simon, you ..................... In the garden ............................ is using the bass ............... and a ................... in his mouth. Yesterday he found a .............................. and his eyes filled with tears. I said it made me think of ................................ "No", he replied, "It is ........... ....................." Granddad sat and listened; hs is a .................... fellow, full of ................ in fact, so discriminating one could say ............................ was laid on him. To look at Willy you would say he cared

not a ....... but the lad is ............ myu character. He is fond of .............. Smith, who is a ...........y girl. They played .............................ring on Jim to do the same.
Pussy is s............ as ever and loves .................. custard.
Well, dear, you ...............uously to your job, and if you do not like it, ap.......... to. Quite a st........ ..........being made here by Ted's ......... ........ating on its rounds.
I hope when you wrote you did ..................o.

Your loving aunt,


The Memorial to Archbishop Lord Davidson, who died on May 25th, 1930 is to be a recumbent bronze figure on a stone-base. It is intended to place this Memorial in the outer-cicle of the Ambulatory which surrounds the Trinity Chapel at the North-East end end of the Cahtedral, a place of honour which Randall Thomas Davidson's close connection with this Diocese for over 50 years has won.

The total cost of this Memorial will be about £1,900, of which £400 has still to he collected before the end of this year.

It is felt that there may be many in the 310 Parishes of this Diocese, who will wish to feel that they had share in this honouring the late Archbishop.

The Vicar will receive contributions, however small, and forward them to Canterbury. Only the names of the contributors will be added to the list, in no case will the amounts be metioned.


The vicar received the following from St. Monica's School, Ahbednagar, India, and thinks the parents of our scholars will be interested to know where the pennies go which they give their children to put in the bag on Sunday sfternoons.

"Much Honoured Friend,

I send you my greetings, I am well, I hope by God's Grace that are too. I am in the third standard and I am eleven years old. There are 25 orphan girls in the school. In my class there are twenty girls and three boys. I have one brother and one sister. I had a very happy holiday. I hope you will always remember me and send me a letter.

Your friend,

Haushi Borde."

One of our scholars will be asked to write a letter to India for Christmas.


Oct. 16th. - Ralph Frederick Locke, aged 68 years.