My dear People,

Lent starts this year on March 1st, which is Ash Wednesday. The Services will be as in former years. I hope to get a special preacher for a week-day course of addresses. A Parochial Church Council meeting will be held this month and any who would like to be on the Parish Church Electoral Roll should sign one of the forms which the Churchwardens provide. A certain amount of repair to the Church is necessary. An outside drain near the porch was faulty and as a result the inner wall was getting very damp and the plaster perished. The plaster under the south-west window has also crumbled and repair must be effected. Our clock figures will soon need to be regilded. A new clock has been fixed in the vestry to replace the one broken down by burglars. The gate leading to the school grounds has also been repaired. Mr. W. H. Luck has planted a new tree in the Churchyard, and the Churchyard should look better than ever this spring and summer. All of us will be pleased to know that Mrs. Luck is making further progress after her unfortunate accident. Then we have all been delighted to learn that Mr. Gerald Denson has purchased from Col. Locke the garden between the school and Step cottages. He will probably build a residence there, and when he and Mrs. Denson come to reside in our midst they can feel assured of a most hearty welcome.

Your sincerely,



The Editor wishes to thank all the subscribers who have paid up back subscriptions and in many cases paid for the year in advance. This is a great help.


The Vicar has sent a cheque to the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel for £1/15/0. The amount was made up as follows:— Mrs. Ongley 4/7, Bellringers; 6/9½, Mrs. R. Ongley 10/0, Mrs. Baxter 3/10, Vicar 5/9½, Mrs. Kitchingham 4/0. If there are any who would like to have a Missionary Box to keep in their homes the Vicar will gladly supply one.

It is a matter for thankfulness that the parish this year hsas given more to the Missionary cause than last year.


The Sunday scholars and Girls' Friendly Society had their Christmas tea and entertainment on January 3rd in the Schoolroom. Mrs. N. Noble came and presented the presents and prizes to the children, and the Vicar gave a magic lantern entertainment showing photographs of animals in the London Zoo. Thanks go out to the friends who contributed help for the tea and to

Mrs. Rainey who again gave oranges. Miss Fausett-Osborne provided the sweets and generously gave her time helping to select suitable gifts for each child. It was a very happy party.


By the kind invitation of Mrs. Noble, the President, the members met at Dane House on January 5th for a Christmas party. Tea was served in the dining room, the tables being decorated with coloured tapers, flowers, and bon-bons. During tea music was supplied by Masters A. Noble and R. Donze. After this all adjourned to the hall where a Christmas tree was dismantled, every member receiving a present from the hostess. A short play "Cookery lessons by the Wireless" was then performed by Mrs. Donze and Mr. J Noble. The proceedings closed with a magic lantern lecture entitled "A day in London." Before the guests dispersed a hearty vote of thanks was given to Mrs. Noble followed by three hearty cheers.

The meetings take place every Thursday in the Hall and this year the numbers have much increased. Now the members have started weekly saving for their summer outing.


January 3th was the day chosen for the annual Wardens, Choir, and Bellringers supper, which was held at the Vicarage. The Vicar and Mrs. Mutter received their guests and all sat down to the roast beef and plum pudding of old England. Following supper the evening was spent in music and singing. Farewell was said to Captain Pitcairn who the Vicar said would be very much missed, and expressed sincere thanks for all the help the Captain had rendered as Treasurer and Sidesman at the Church. Colonel Locke, seconded by Mr. S. Hollands, spoke in appreciation of the kindness of their hosts that night and all concluded by singing an old Christmas hymn which has become a time honoured observance.


Prizes were awarded to the following:- Victor Hollands (never absent), Cyril Friar, Ernest Philpot, Donald Friar, Bertie Harris, Ronald Twort, Ronald Dixon, and Ernest Baisden. Kathleen Philpott, (once absent), Bessie Philpott, Lily Dixon, Betty Twort, Hilda Goodhew, Joan Goodhew, Marjorie Walker, and Joan Brooke.


We said farewell to Miss Thompson, our supply Teacher who whilst here thoroughly entered into the school and village life. Our good wishes go out to her in the work she is doing. Mrs. L. Hales has returned benefitted by her three months rest and we hope she will keep in good health. Several minor improvements have been done in the school buildings during the holidays.