Hartlip Parish Magazine - on-line archive
August 1933 : page 2 (of 2)
My dear People,-
May I draw your attention to the Sale of Work to be held in the Vicarage grounds on Saturday, August 12th, 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.? It is being run by our local Girls' Friendly Society. The girls have been working for this all through last winter, and have made many pretty and useful articles, and need funds to pay for their material so they can continue their work. Teas will be on Sale, and there will be a second-hand stall with bargains for all.
The Sunday School will he closed for three Sunday afternoons during the hot weather, and re-opens on August 20th.
Captain Marks R.N., was elected on to the Parochial Church Council at our last meeting, and is also to act as our Church Treasurer. I am very pleased glad of this especially as Colonel Locke will be away for several months at Malta. All will wish the Colonel and Mrs. Locke a very bencticial change and improvement in health, and we shall look forward to their return next Spring-time.
Your sincerely,
The Women's Fellowship and the Sunday School scolars had their holiday on July 25th at Margate. They were favoured with a perfect day and all thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Over eighty made the excursion in three char-a-banc. Thanks fo out to all who contributed towards this treat - practically everyone resident here contributed, and we have a small balance to hand on for next year's outing.
The Annual Service was held in the Church on July 18th conducted by the Vicar. He admitted Mrs. Percy Harriss its it new member. Following this the Vicall and Mrs. Mutter entertained the members to tea on the Vicarage lawn. After tea a little unrehearsed play, "Antiques," was presented in the open-air. The performers were Mesdames Noble and Danze, Miss Wakeley, and the Vicar. A good deal Of merriment was the result, and no royalty was paid for the production.
The Report of this for our Schools has come to hand. The Rev. W. J. V. Stead, the Diocesan Inspector reports: "The Infants answered brightly and intelligently, and showed a good knowledge of Bible stories, taken chiefly from the New Testament. They also repeated accurately several Commandments. The remaining children form one
division for religious instruction. As they range from Standard I. to IV. this grouping makes it rather difficult for the purposes of inspection. They showed a good knowledge and understanding of the Church Catechism, and their answering to questions on the Gospel was accurate and intelligent. The reverence of the Children and the devotional tone were marked and and especially pleasing. It is clear that thee religious insturction is given carefully and conscientiously."
Before the elder children were removed to Rainham the Standard IV children were given more advanced teaching - we now have to group them with what used to be a separate division when we had three teachers. But we do the best we can under altered conditions.
As is our custom, the collections at the Harvest Festival will be for this hospital in Rochester. Hartlip last year from the Church contributed £4/18/0, whilst from the gardeners' sale and otherwise, £13/8/6 was sent, making a total of £18/6/6. The number of in-patients was eight and five five out-patients were treated. The cost to the Hospital Committee amounted to £62/6/3½. This means £44 had to be raised additional to our local contributions by the Hospital authorities. Some people never stop to think of where the money comes from, and criticise the Hospital authorities. We must remember they have diffculty about funds and have to curtail the work they would like to do. When the opportunity arises let us all do what we can to support this work for sick and suffering fellows. St. Bartholomew's has a debt of £9000. It is no easy matter to raise money in these days of excessive taxation. People who would like to give find they cannot do so as in former days. We hear a Sale of produce will be held later on in the Village Hall. We hope there will be liberal contributions and and ready purchasers.
Collectors have made their annual canvass of the residents and as it result, the Treasurer has been handed the sum of £7/12/11 to help in the upkeep of our God's Acre.
The Ruri-decanal members met on the Vicarage lawn on Saturday, July 22nd. They then went to the Parish hall for tea. The Rev. Mr. Castle gave an address on "The Spirit of the Age." Later a ramble to Queendown Warren was engaged in. Service in the Parish Church at 8 p.m. was led by the Vicar. The visit closed with dancing in the Village Hall.
This will be held on September 28th and Sunday, October 1st. Further details in next month's magazine