My Dear People,-

No doubt you have all heard of my engagement to Miss Eveleen Donaldson, and we both desire to sincerely thank all those who have given us such warm congratulations.

The wedding is to take place on Thursday, December lst, at 2.30 p.m., when Bishop Knight, a very old friend, is coming to solemnize our marriage. No, invitations are being sent to parishioners, but we both desire to invite all our friends to the Church for this occasion.

I am giving the children a holiday on that day, and at 4.45 p.m. all of them are invited to the School for tea, followed by games. We look forward to popping in for a few minutes to see the children before we go away, and cut the cake. After our return we want to give "An Evening" at the Parish Hall to which we most heartily invite all the adult parishioners. No other notice will be given, so will all accept this as the only invitation, and where any do not receive the magazine I trust kind friend's will tell them. The date for this is Wednesday, December 14th, at 7.45 p.m. to 10.30 p.m.

Yours sincerely,



This falls on Wednesday, November 30th. As you all know, this day is observed throughout the Anglican Communion as a day of Intercession for Overseas Missions. There will be a celebration of the Holy Communion at 7 a.m., and choral evensong with address at 7.30 p.m., when we shall specially pray for the work abroad. Missionary boxes should be handed in to the Vicarage in December, as the financial year closes at the end of this month.

The Melanesian Mission has sustained a great loss. This year our Archbishop dedicated a new mission yacht, the s.s. "Southern Cross VI." The ship only recently reached the islands of the Pacific, and was then totally wrecked on her very first voyage. It is a great blow to the new Bishop. One only hopes the vessel was fully insured, yet, even so, it is a terrible tragedy to the missionaries.


New albums for collecting stamps will be issued on Advent Sunday. The scholars love their stamps,

and they are able to check their own attendances in this way. We have lost the Lawrence family, but welcome the Atkins children.


The annual subscriptions are now due and I would like to receive any payments in arrear for the financial year ends with this number. I hope to get the January issue printed and circulated with the Parish Calendar before the New Year.


This year the festival falls on a Sunday. The Holy Communion will be celebrated at 7, 8, and 11 a.m. There will be no Children's Service. A Carol Service will be held at 6.30 p.m.

To one and all the joyous wish goes forth -



The Women's Meeting is now assembling each week, and finds the new Hall a much pleasanter place to meet in. Mrs. Noble will be pleased to welcome any new members.

Miss Barbara Locke and Miss Donaldson have been busy with the G.F.S. members and candidates. The girls are busy at all kinds of work, and are fortunate in having Mrs. Gook to teach them country dancing.


Oct. 2nd - Reginald Derek, son of Reginald Frederick and Catherine Jane Goodhue.

   "   2nd - Denis, Brian, son of Richard Jesse and Edith Gertrude Ongley.

   "   2nd - David Alan, son of Henry Edwin and Alice Emily Godden.

   "   2nd - Geraldine Ann _Margaret, daughter of Percy Hubert and Dorothy Harriss.

   "   9th - Wyndham, son of Stanley Oscar and Daisy Jane Atkins.


Oct. 27th - Ellenora Amelia Denson, aged 82 years.