My Dear People,-

We are still waiting for a decision relative to the appointment of a new Head for the Day School. The Kent Educational Committee sent us Mr. Hill for the month of August, and if the position is not soon filled another relieving teacher will be sent to fill the gap. On the last Friday in July, farewell was said in the schoolroom to Mr. Southgate and his two boys. The Managers and Trustees with the Misses Faussett-Osborne and Locke were present. The children and staff had purchased a fountain pen and an eversharp pencil which were presented to the retiring Master by two pupils, as soon as the Vicar had said some few words on behalf of the scholars and teachers. Colonel Locke spoke next for the Managers, and voiced the regret that was felt at losing Mr. Southgate. Mr. H. P. G. Faussett-Osborne added a few words on behalf of the Trustees. Following this Colonel Locke asked Mr. Southgate to accept a wad of notes given by those present and a few other friends, as a token of goodwill, Mr. S. Hollands spoke of the work Mr. Southgate had done in the choir. A suitable reply was made by Mr. Southgate, and after cheers by the children the good-byes were said.

St. Michael's Day falls on the 29th of this month, and as my readers know our Church is dedicated to that great Archangel. So the 29th will be the Festival of our Patron. I hope all will try to observe the Feast. The rule of the Church is that a Patronal Festival ranks as a chief Festival to be observed with an Octave. I shall announce beforehand what Services can be arranged. Much to my regret I must be away on that morning, and it is only a very important engagement that would keep me from the Church on its Festival Day. But one of my oldest friends is celebrating the Jubilee of his Priesthood at Salisbury, and I want to go to do him honour. I hope to meet a great many other old friends there, some of whom I have not seen for over thirty years.

The Harvest Festival will be held on Thursday, October 1st, at 7.30 p.m., and continued on the following Sunday, when we shall be also thinking of St. Michael and all this his Church has meant in the centuries past during which it has stood in Hartlip. How grateful we should be for what this House of God has meant to our forefathers, many of whom rest in the churchyard outside.

The Right Reverend Doctor Sedgwick, formerly Bishop of Waiapu, will be the preacher on the

Thursday night, and on the following Sunday morning the new Vicar Newington, the Reverend Noel Robertshawe, comes to us.

The collections will be given to St. Bartholomew's Hospital, at Rochester. During the past year Hartlip contributed £23/13/0 to the Hospital funds. Five in-patients went there from this village, and eight out-patients received help. The cost to the Hospital authorities is estimated as £42/2/11, so you can see at a glance what we morally owe to the Institution. I have no hesitation in asking for your liberal support at this time. Please all send gifts of flowers, fruit, vegetables, eggs, and jam to the Church on the Thursday by 2 p.m.

The children are to return to school on Monday, the 5th of Ootober.

Yours sincerely,



The Editor has received many solutions for the missing names, but no person succeeded in getting all right. (Baxter's Lung Tonic is evidently not used in Hartlip.) Following is the list of the missing names: - Friday, Donaldson, Cryer, White, Steere, Amos, Day, Mutter, Whitehead, Webb, Millgate, Locke, Luck, Scott, Hollands, Baxters, Hills, Styles, Miles, Rainey, Hales, Nelson, Clout, Pope, Walker, Southgate, Woodcock, Black, Clarke, Atkins, Ward, Brown, and Bowles.

There is no competition ready for this month, but we hope, as time goes on, to have little amusing diversions in the magazine.



All in the village will be sorry to hear of the illness of Mr. Arthur Webb, at the Parsonage. Mr. Harris, at Yaugher, has had a trying illness, and Edwin Harris is at St. Bartholomew's Hospital for orthopedic treatment. We hope all will have a good recovery to health again.