My Dear People,-

We have just reached the end of the Christian Year, and Advent begins another one. It starts with St. Andrew's Eve this year, and our collections on Advent Sunday will be given to that venerable society, the S.P.G., the oldest Missionary Society in our Church. A special preacher is coming for this Sunday.

I want to ask you all to give what you can to the Cause, and to join with the countless others who pray to God at this season for His blessing on Missions Overseas. The Church is open all day, and it would be good to know many of you had dropped in and joined in our world-wide Intercession. I myself go to London and preach on behalf of S.P.G. in two churches there.

In Advent there will be as in former years a Special Week-night Service on Thursdays. I hope to secure a visiting clergyman for these. Time, 7.30 p.m.

I have also to wish all my parishioners a very Happy Christmas. You should receive an Almanack with your Magazine, which is the Christmas greeting from the Church.

Yours sincerely,



The Vicar and Churchwardens desire to thank those who contributed to the success of the splendid evening held in the Schoolroom, on the 13th, to all who gave prizes, refreshments, and help in many other ways. The Secretary and workers are to be congratulated on the result of their labours. As a consequence over £5 has been handed to Commander Pitcairn, the local treasurer, to help in obtaining the safe required in the Church.


At last we can announce that we have a headmistress appointed. Mrs. Cook will come into residence at the end of the year, and will begin her duties after the Christmas holidays. Mrs. Cook is a widow, and her parents are coming to reside with her. Hartlip will give them a hearty welcome, and expresses the hope they may be very happy in our midst.


Twelve new members were admitted on Wednesday, 18th November. The service took place in the Church, and the Vicar gave the address. Mrs. R. G. E. Locke afterwards entertained the menbers to tea at the Vicarage. The whole afternoon was much appreciated, and all express their gratitude to Mrs. Locke, their presiding member, for her kindness.


There will be a meeting on December 2nd at Holy Trinity, Sittingbourne, time 7 p.m. Address by Rev. J. W. Hunter, from Shantung, China. All earnestly invited.

We are to have a Missionary Meeting in Hartlip in December. Particulars will be advertised. The speaker is to be an India Missionary. She will plead the cause of Zenana Missions.

If there are any who have Missionary Boxes in their homes, will they please send them in to the Vicar for the annual opening? The Vicar will be pleased to issue Missionary boxes to any who would like one for their homes.


Nov. 13th. - Arthur Sapte Webb, aged 64 years.

Hartlip joins in respectful sympathy with Mrs. Webb and her family in the loss they have sustained by the death of Mr. Arthur Webb. He was a highly respected Christian gentleman with a literary and artistic temperament, much esteemed by his friends, as the great number of people and the magnificent floral tributes at his funeral evidenced.

In this neighbourhood the Webb family has ever been held in regard for their generosity and the way they have entered into every public movement which they believed tended to the good of the people.

The deceased spent much of his boyhood here at the Parsonage House, and this year returned again to it from Newington Manor House. He came seeking health, but his life was not to be greatly prolonged in our midst. He passed to his rest, and his remains lie near those of so many more of the family in our old churchyard.

Mr. and Mrs Webb will be long remembered in Newington, where the greater part of their married life was spent, because they both entered so wholeheartedly into all the movements connected with the welfare of the residents. The Church there, too, feels that in Mr. Webb's passing they have lost a true and revered friend.

After coming to Hartlip, Mr. Webb loved attending the Village Church, especially the Evensongs in the summer. The little Church owes much to the generosity of the family in the bygone years, and all the worshippers feel that by the death of Arthur Webb a true friend has gone from our midst, but one, for whose life and example, we can thank God.



Holy Communion at 7, 8, and 11 a.m.

Evensong will be at 6.30.

Carols will be sung on the Sunday after, at the Evening Service at 6.30 p.m.

Mr. H. Faussett-Osborne is arranging an Entertainment for Saturday, December 12th, at 7.45 in the School. Proceeds on behalf of the Parish Hall.