Hartlip Parish Magazine - on-line archive
April 1931 : page 2 (of 2)
My Dear People,-
Lent is drawing to a close, and one hopes it has been a time of spiritual growth for many of us. It has been encouraging to me to see how well the week-night services have been attended.
I hope all of you will try and observe Good Friday as a day of quiet when we remember the awful death our Saviour died on the Cross. His death was a Sacrifice for the sin of the world, and our sins are included in that great weight which He bore on Calvary. Therefore the Day of His dying is a time for thoughts of penitence, and a deepening of our sorrow for sin and evil, and it is only right on such a day that we should abstain from ordinary pleasures. "Is it nothing to you, all ye who pass by"?
After this comes the joy of Easter - the Queen of Festivals. Our Mother Church commands all who can to be present on that day to receive the Holy Communion. This is one of the most ancient rules of the Church. All loyal members will obey the Rule. Elswhere I quote the Prayer Book rubric on this point.
We all sympathise with those who have been ill these last few weeks. Mrs. R. G. E. Locke has been missed, especially by the members of the Mothers' Union, and Mrs. Baxter has had a serious time, but we hope they are on the mend, and will soon once more be active in our midst.
There is to be a great Missionary Exhibition in Easter week in Sittingbourne. If you have not a ticket, do buy one. You will never regret seeing this Exhibition. As a great collection of curios from foreign lands it be worth a visit, but it will serve a greater purpose still, for lectures will be given, tableaux displayed, and stalls of literature be there - all for the, purpose of increasing our knowledge of what our great Church is attempting in other lands, and deepening our interest in such glorious work Overseas. "Thy kingdom come" is our daily prayer. By help at the Exhibition we show we mean what we pray.
It is a joy to know that some of the young people of Hartlip are to make a prominent part in the proceedings. Miss Faussett-Osborne it busy, too, in another department - the refreshment rooms. My final advice is, don't miss going to the Exhibition!
Yours sincerely,
We lead a visit from the Gillingham Guild of Bellringers on the 21st of March. The members gave us an experience of change ringing. We were glad to have this visit.
GOOD FRIDAY. - Matins, Liturgy, and Sermon, 11 a.m. "The way of the, Cross" will be preached at 7.30 p.m. by the vicar. Children's Service, at 3 p.m.
EASTER DAY. - "And note that every parishioner shall communicate at the least three times in the year, of which Easter to be one."
Prayer Book rubric.
Holy Communion, 7, 8, and 11 a.m.
Children's Service, 3 p.m.
Holy Baptism, 3.35 p.m.
Evensong and Sermon, 6.30 p.m.
Any who are unable to come to their Easter Communion please inform the Vicar, who will give the Blessed Sacrament to invalids in their own home.
The Festival called Lady Day is observed by the members the whole world over. Hartlip Branch took its share. Sixteen communicated on this this day, and an afternoon service was held, when the Vicar gave a talk about the ideals of the Union, which is the largest Society in the Church of England. Miss Barbara Locke sang from the "Messiah" "He shall feed His flock" and "The Lord is mindful of His own."
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March | 1st | .................... | 2 | 0 | 10 |
" | 8th | .................... | 1 | 18 | 6 |
" | 15th | .................... | 2 | 2 | 1 |
" | 22nd | .................... | 1 | 12 | 5 |
N.B. - It is hoped parents will allow their children to visit the Exhibition to be held in Sittingbourne on Saturday morning in Easter week. Admission free, but children must find their own bus fare.
The Mothers' Day at the Exhibition will be on the following Tuesday afternoon.
A meeting was held at the beginning of March. The annual accounts were read and adopted, and passed for printing. The electoral roll was revised. There are one hundred and sixty-six voters registered. Twenty councillors were elected, and representatives to the Ruri-decanal Conference. Commander Pitcairn was appointed as Church Treasurer, to work inconjunction with the Wardens. Sidesmen were appointed, and the Churchyard Committee set up. The Chairman brought forward the subject of the need there is in the Church for a fire and burglar-proof steel safe.
All of us were shocked to hear of the fatal accident which befell Mr. R. Savage. "Bob," as all knew him, was a considerate helper in many ways in Hartlip, and his untimely death cast a gloom over the Village. He will be much-missed, and our sympathy goes out to his relatives and friends. - R.I.P.
The Annual Easter Vestry combined with the Parochial Church Council. Meeting will be Held on Tuesday, April 8th, at 7.30 p.m. The Vicar's Warden will be nominated, and there will be an election of People's Warden. All on the Parochial Electoral Roll have a vote.