ARRANGEMENTS FOR LENT. - The weekday service, during Lent, will be on Tuesday at 7.30 p.m. The preachers will be as follows:-

March 11. - The Rev. R. E. Harding, Vicar of Lower Halstow.

March 18. - The Rev. A. W. Douglas, Vicar of Newington.

March 25. - The Rev. A. W. Douglas, Vicar of Newington.

April 1. - The Rev. A. W. Douglas, Vicar of Newington.

On Sundays during Lent the visiting preachers will be as follows:-

Second Sunday in Lent, March 16th, Mattins, the Rev. A. D. Hodgson, Vicar of Rainham. Evensong, the Rev. R. E. Harding.

Third Sunday in Lent, March 23rd, Evensong, the Rev. R. E. Harding.

Fourth Sunday in Lent, March 30th, Mattins, the Rev. A. D. Hodgson. Evensong, the Rev. Rev. R. E. Harding.

The Vicar of Rainham will also preach at Evensong on Quinquagesima Sunday, March 2nd.

On Ash Wednesday there will be the following services:-

8 a.m. - Holy Communion.

9 a.m. - Service for the Schools.

11 a.m. - Second part of Commination Service followed by Holy Communion.

7.30 p.m. - Special Lenten Service.

PARISH HALL FUND. - On Friday, February 21st, a musical comedy was given, in the Schools, by the Jubilee Amateur Actors, of Gillingham. Everyone agreed that it was one of the best shows ever given in Hartlip. It gave very great pleasure, and realised between £4 and £5 for the fund.

party of Sunday School children from Chatham, under the conductorship of Mr. A. V. Stannard, Mr. H. C. Ramshaw being at the piano. The play, which was a great credit to everyone concerned in its production, was enthusiastically enjoyed, and realised £3/8/7 for the fund.

THE MOTHERS' UNION. - ANNOUNCEMENTS. - The Mothers' Union will make its Corporate Communion on Sunday, March 23rd, at 7 a.m. and 8 a.m., and on Lady Day, March 25th, at 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. On Thursday, March 20th, at 2.30 p.m., there will be a Mothers' Union Meeting, in the Club Room, when an address will be given by Mrs. Lister, the Secretary for the Canterbury Diocese. It is hoped that members will make a special effort to be present.

THE WOMEN'S MEETING. - At some of the Women's Meetings during Lent an address will be given by the Rev. T. L. Brooke.

WHITSUN FETE. - Miss Faussett-Osborne is kindly organising a fete, in aid of the Parish Hall Fund, to be held on Monday in Whitsun Week, June 9th.

PAROCHIAL CHURCH MEETING. - A Parochial Church Meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 4th, at 7 p.m., in the Schools, to revise the Parochial Electoral Church Roll, and for any other business.


Feb. 23. - Eric Reginald, son of Albert Reginald and Ivy Lilian Dunk.

Feb. 23. - Beatrice Emmeline, daughter of Willian George and Edith Caroline Bailey.


Feb.2.-Diocesan Quota175
"9.-Church Expenses156
"16.-Church Expenses178
"23.-Church Expenses187



Cash in hand from 1928146Whist Drive Prizes1117
Whist Drive and Dance (Jan. 11th)459Mrs. Rainey0170
Whist Drive and Dance (Dec. 27th)1189Co-operative Society207
Subscription and Badges906School and Crockery140
Honorary Members' Cards (6 at 1½d.)009Sundries, Milk, Stamps, etc.01710½
Affiliation Stamps (15 at 1/6)140Imperial Band440
Children's Sports (Whit-Monday)467
Annual Dinner3170
Affiliation Stamps and Cards3116
County Office0100
Rent of Club Room0150
Cash in hand2115
Cash at Bank1400

Audited and found correct - W. H. LUCK and R. C. J. SOUTHGATE.

January 8th, 1930.