Dane House,
April, 3rd, 1929.

Once again sickness has been rampant throughout the parish, in spite of warm days that followed the severe weather. Amongst others, our Vicar has been stricken down with a severe illness, but as I write this, I understand he is making a steady recovery, though it must be some time before he is able to resume his duties. It must be distressing to him to have failed just at such an important moment in the Church's year. Our sympathies and our prayers go out to him, also to Mrs. Creaton, in her anxiety and trouble.

The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Dover has arranged to postpone the Confirmation that he was to have held in Hartlip on May 17th, to a later date, so that those Candidates who have already given in their names, and any others who may send in their's, will hear from the Vicar so soon as he is well enough to attend to parochial affairs.

The Rev. R. Morris, Vicar of Bethersden, was also prevented by illness from completing his Lenten addresses, and for which he sends the parish his deep regrets.

We were more fortunate in securing the services of the Rev. Mr. Perkins, of Borden, for two Sundays. He, by the way, celebrates his diamond wedding on the 13th April, and we offer him .our cordial congratulations.

We also thank the Vicar of Newington and the Rev. C. Cassidy, Mr. G. F. Jacques, and Canon Burnside, for all their help.

On Easter Day the Church was tastefully decorated, and all those who gave their help and sent flowers, are thanked for their kind assistance. The services were well attended through the day.

The Annual Vestry fleeting was held on Tueday, the 2nd April, when Mr. W. S. Stevens voted to the chair. The Churchwardens were again asked to carry out their duties for another year, and they were thanked for their past services.

The Parochial Church Council followed, under the chairmanship of Miss Faussett-Osborne, the Vice-Chairman, in the absence of the Vicar.

Mr. H. B. G. Faussett-Osborne, who has recently taken up his residence at Queendown Warren, was elected Vice-Chairman, and Mr. S. D. Hollands honorary Secretary for the ensuing year. The Churchyard wall extension was discussed, and left in the hands of the Sub-Committee.

It was pleasing to hear from many members how gratified they were with the singing of the Choir on Easter Sunday, showing the trouble that must have been taken by all, under the leadership of Mr. Southgate, Vicar's Warden.


The usual services will be taken for the first three Sundays in April by the Rev. E. C. R. Beal of Wainsfleet, Lincolnshire, and the last Sunday bv the Rev. H. R. Anderson, late Vicar of St. John's, Folkestone.


March3-Quota to Diocesan Fund1178
"10-Church Expenses1310
"17-Church Expenses181
"24-Organ and Choir Fund223
"31-Dilapidation Fund12153