Hartlip Parish Magazine - on-line archive
February 1927 : page 2 (of 2)
The Vicarage,
January 28th, 1927.
My Dear Friends,
The Church Council met on February 21st, when the chief business was the revision of the Electoral Roll. It is the legal duty of the Council to revise the Roll at the beginning of each year. Some names have, of course, to be taken off it, and new comers or those who have now reached 18 years of age are invited to have their names placed upon it. Nearly all the Church people of the parish are entered on the Rolls and they have the legal right to attend the Annual Church Meeting when the affairs of the Church are brought forward, and they elect the Council to represent them in the coming year. This meeting will be held in the Schoolroom, on Wednesday, February 16th, at 7 p.m., and a hearty invitation is given to all those whose names are on the Roll to attend it.
You will remember that it was decided by the Council that we should have a Missionary Meeting in the early part of this year with the object of considering whether we might undertake the support of some special bit of work in the mission field. It has been decided to have this meeting in the schoolroom, on Monday, February 28th, at 7 p.m. I am pleased to say that the Rev. H. F. Lord, Vicar of Bapchild has kindly promised to come and speak to us. Mr. Lord was for many years a missionary in India, and he will tell us from his own personal knowledge of the work there. He will, I think, be prepared to put before us a very pressing need in the part of the country he knows so well, and to suggest to us a definite way in which we might help to meet it. In a small village, and with many other calls upon us we must not undertake too much, but it will be interesting if we can take on a little bit of definite work. It is always nice to hear a man talk of what he knows from his own personal experience. I hope we shall have a good gathering on February 28th.
On March 2nd we begin the observance of that Church Season when we put aside many of our secular social meetings, and centre our attention on the special week-day services in church. Last Lent it was delightful to see the large congregations that assembled each Wednesday evening, and I have been encouraged to try to secure another able preacher for this year. The Rev. N. L. Lycett, Rector of Chartham, has consented to come to us on Wednesdays, March 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th and April 6th. Mr. Lycett is in demand as a preacher, and I am sure we shall show our appreciation of his kindness in giving us these five Wednesdays, and coming so long a distance to address us. I make this announcement now hoping that these Wednesdays will be kept free, as far as possible, from other engagements. The full details of the arrangements for Lent will be given in next month's Magazine.
There is to be a Confirmation in Newington Church on Tuesday, April 5th, at 7 p.m., when candidates from our parish will be presented. We should have quite a fair number this year, and I shall be glad to hear at once from any who would like to have instruction upon this important subject. It is surely right that any church perswon who has "come to years of discretion," and not yet been confirmed, should take the opportunity of having the subject put clearly before him or her. Then the person is in a position to judge. Some, I believe, are not confirmed because they have not realised the importance of it. I shall glad to have a talk with anyone on this matter privately, or to put down the names of any for attendance at the classes. Bishop Chatterton, lately Bishop of Nagpur, in India, is to confirm. Owing to the great press of work upon the Archbishop and the Bishop of Dover, his Grace hs given a "Commission" to this Bishop to act as an Assistant Bishop in our Diocese.
May I call attention to what should be some very interesting and instructive lectures? Our Ruri-Decanal Sunday School Teachers' Association has arranged for the Rev. W. A. Ferguson to give a course of lectures in Holy Trinity Hall, Sittingbourne, on the four Thursdays in February, on "Teaching and reading the Bible in the light of modern knowledge." Some of our teachers will be going to these lectures, and it is possible that there are others who would like to go. If so, will they please let me know?
I remain,
Your sincere Friend and Vicar,
A Whist Drive and Dance will be held in the Schoolroom, on Friday, February 4th. The proceeds will be given to paying off the debt on the piano in the Club Room, and any balance will be put aside to start a fund for keeping the piano order. Those who come will have a pleasant evening, and support a good cause.
On Friday, February 25th, the combined forces of the Choir and Band will give a Concert. An attractive programme is being prepared and we should have a full house far this important event.
Jan. 27th. - Edward Black, aged 80 years.
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£ | s. | d. | ||||
Jan. | 1st, etc. | - | Vicar's Fund | 0 | 3 | 7 |
Jan. | 2nd. | - | Quota to Diocesan Fund | 1 | 17 | 0 |
Jan. | 9th. | - | Church Expenses | 1 | 10 | 9 |
Jan. | 16th. | - | Church Expenses | 1 | 11 | 9 |
Jan. | 23rd. | - | Church Expenses | 1 | 9 | 9 |