Hartlip Parish Magazine - on-line archive
February 1926 : page 2 (of 2)
The Vicarage,
January 28th, 1926.
My Dear Friends,
I start this letter with the most important subject. On February 17th we begin the Solemn Season of Lent, and I earnestly hope we shall try to make much of it. We rejoice in the glad Festivals of the year, but Lent is a very different kind of Season. We keep it, as you know, in remembrance of our Lord's Temptations, Sufferings, and Death. He suffered for us, because of our sins. We shall show how much His sufferings are to us by using every effort to deepen our sorrow for our sins, and seeking for special grace to rise above them. Lent is the Church's Annual "Mission," when for a few weeks we put aside some of the distractions of the world that we may the better think of these spiritual things, and the result of the special effort will last afterwards.
Some of the arrangements (up to Palm Sunday) are given below. I would like to call your particular attention to the services which are to be held on the Wednesday evenings. At these services we are to have a course of addresses by an able preacher, the Rev. C. P. Cowland-Cooper, Vicar of Starry. Mr. Cooper is coming a long journey each week to preach to us, and I trust that we shall have large congregations, and that all will try to follow regularly through the course.
The Church Council met on January 27th to revise the Parochial Roll of Electors. The Roll is open for other names to be placed upon it, and we shall be glad to have upon it the names of all church people in the parish who have reached the age of 18 years. Forms to be signed will be found in the Church. The Annual Church Meeting will be held in the Schoolroom on Thursday, February 18th, at 7 p.m., for the election of the Church Council for the coming year, the passing of accounts, and other business. All those whose names are on the Roll of Electors are entitled to attend this meeting, and are invited to do so. Come and take your part.
I shall be glad to hear from any who will take Missionary Boxes for the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel. Some already have boxes, but I think there are others who will gladly use this way of putting by small sums for the Church's most important work of making known the Good News amongst the heathen. Are we not all, as Christians, responsible for this?
There was a good attendance at the Whist Drive and Dance in the Schoolroom on January 22nd, and a very enjoyable evening was spent. The account published below shows that £2/5/6 was raised towards paying off the debt on the Club Room piano. Only about £3 now has to be found.
We look forward to another good muster and pleasant gathering at the social evening on Friday, February 5th, when the Cricket Club has its "benefit."
The members of the Church Choir are busy practising for the concert which they are giving on Friday, February 12th in the Schoolroom, and a most attractive programme is being prepared. I feel sure we shall have a big audience, and I think I may safely say that those who come to the concert will enjoy it. Tickets, 2/0, 1/0, and 6d. (children half-price to all seats) may be had from the Post Office, from Mrs. Rainey, or from members of the choir.
I remain,
Your sincere Friend and Vicar,
Lent, 1926.
Sundays. - Holy Communion each Sunday at 8 a.m, February 21st, March 7th and 21st, at mid-day. Mattins, at 11, with a course of addresses on "Jesus Christ in the Wilderness." Evensong at 6.30 with a course of addresses on "The Christian's Life." (The London Mission Hymn Book will be used at the evening services and provided).
Wednesdays, at 7.30 p.m. - Shortened Evensong with a course of addresses by the Rev. C. P. Cowland-Cooper, M.A., Vicar of Sturry. "Studies in the character of the Good Shepherd." February 24th, "The Scene," March 3rd, "A Cry of Ownership." March 10th, "A Cry of Personal Recognition." March 17th, "A Cry of Leadership." March 24th, "A Cry of Dedication."
Ash Wednesday, February, 17th. - Holy Communion, at 8 a.m. Children's Service, at 9. Mattins, at 11. Evensong and Address, at 7 p.m.
Fridays, at 3. p.m. - The Litany with Devotional Readings.
The Church is open every day from 8 a.m. till dusk for private prayer. The services in Holy Week will be announced in next month's magazine.
Hartlip Cricket Club.
The Annual General Meeting was held on Saturday, November 14th, when the accounts of last season were presented and the officer for the coming season electec. The balance sheen showed an improvement on the previous year, the receipts being £16/16/6, and the expenditure £11/19/9½, leaving £4/16/8½ in hand. Lieut.-Colonel R. G. E. Locke was re-elected President. Other officers chosen were Mr. R. C. J. Southgate, Captain; Mr. H. Miles, Vice-Captain; and Mr. P. Harriss, Secretary and Treasurer, with Mr. W. G. Kitchingham as Assistand. The following were elected as the Committee: Messrs. W. H. Luck, L. Baxter, S. A. Hollands, E. T. Friar, S. D. Hollands, H: Hughes, C. Harriss, and W. E. Hollands. Bats, kindly given by Lieut.-Colonel R. G. E. Locke, Mr. Luck, and Mrs. Garnier were presented for the best averages. To Mr. Southgate for batting, to Mr. T. A. Taylor for bowling, and to Mr. S. A. Hollands for fielding. The number of matches played in 1925 was 22. Of these 16 were won, 4 lost, and 2 drawn. Runs scored by the Club were 1,837 as against 1,155 by our opponents.
P. H. HARRISS, Hon. Sec.
The Hartlip Entertainment Committee.
Balance Sheet of Whist Drive and Dance held on the22nd January, 1926.
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RECEIPTS. | £ | s. | d. |
Taken at the door | 2 | 11 | 6 |
Tickets sold | 1 | 5 | 6 |
Refreshments sold | 0 | 0 | 6 |
£3 | 17 | 6 | |
![]() | |||
EXPENDITURE. | £ | s. | d. |
Caretaker | 0 | 2 | 6 |
Caretage of furniture | 0 | 2 | 6 |
Refreshments | 1 | 6 | 11½ |
£1 | 11 | 11½ | |
Balance | 2 | 5 | 6½ |
£3 | 17 | 6 |
W. H. LUCK, Treasurer.
January 27th, 1926.