The Vicarage,
29th August, 1924.

My Dear Friends,

Those who have watched the work which is going on in the Churchyard must be pleased with the way in which it is shaping out. Thanks to the ready consent which has been given for stones to be lowered or moved where necessary, we have been able to bring the ground to levels and even slopes, which will be convenient for cutting the grass and will look nice. The Committee and the Church Council have decided that the wall which divides the new and old ground shall be taken down and with the large quantity of soil which we are putting into the new ground it will become practically one with the old Churchyard when the job is finished.

We are about to do some work in the Church which wants doing badly. The walls and ceilings have got very dirty, and we are having them distempered. This (with the cleaning after it) will take about three weeks, and it will be necessary for us to close the Church during the time the work is going on and on Sundays, Sept. 7th, and 14th, the 11.0 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. services will be held in the Schoolroom. As the Lady Chapel has already been done, we shall be able to screen this off, and to have celebrations of the Holy Communion in it at 3 a.m. on these Sundays.

In such a wet August we were fortunate in the weather we had for three of our parish events.

On the day of the Sale of Work we were very much afraid we should be washed out, but the weather cleared up for a nice afternoon and evening, and we had a lot of people in the Vicarage garden during the day, and quite a good gathering when Mrs. Locke kindly opened the Sale at 3 o'clock. For the excellent result (which will be seen in the Balance Sheet), we have to thank all those who worked so hard and so willingly before the Sale and on the day, as well as those who gave things for the stalls. A profit of over £25 was splendid and considerably more than we expected to make. To decide how the money is to be allotted a meeting of those who helped at the Sale will be held when hop-picking is over. A notice of this meeting will be put on the Church board and we shall be pleased to see at it any who can come.

By the kindness of Mrs. Denson we had our Sunday School Treat at Queendown Warren, on August 22nd. We met in the Church for a short service at 2 o'clock, and then cars were waiting to take us to the Warren. A sharp storm drove us into the barn about 4, and we had our tea there - which was rather fun. After tea we were able to go out on the lawn, where we had our sports. Prizes were distributed to the winners and we scrambled for sweets. We then gave our hearty thanks to all who had helped in giving us such a good treat, and came back in state (the state of herrings in a barrel) in the cars which were so kindly provided for us.

For the Gardeners' Show on the 27th, we were favoured in the weather, and a lot of people were attracted to the Meadow. It was as a splendid show of fruit, vegetables, and flowers. The children's exhibits added greatly to the interest. We should like to have seen more entries in the wild flowers and grasses classes and probably there will be more next year if the prizes are offered again. The various side-shows seemed to be well patronised and no doubt they helped the funds considerably. Those who had the organising of the show are to be heartily congratulated on the success of their efforts. It was kind of the Committee to allow the stall of needlework in the field, and quite a good business was done at it.

I remain,

Your sincere Friend and Vicar,

Sale of Work.

Women's Stall -
    Work sold (to Aug. 28th)8910
Ditto "Mystery Cake"0168
G.F.S. Stall313
General Stall4132
Fruit Stall305
Sweet Stall (net proceeds)110
Rummage Stall72
Fish Pond094
Hidden Treasure01010
Collections at Play11110
Gate Money2133
Materials for Women's Stall724
      "      "       G.F.S Stall0100
Baskets and Pottery for General Stall206
Cake, Bread and Butter for Teas11511

All the materials for the Women's Stall have been charged for in the Balance Sheet, and goods to the value of about £4 are in hand.

Collections in Church.

August3rd-Church Expenses1157
"10th-Quota to Diocesan Funds1145
"17th-Church Expenses1310
"23th-Church Expenses1113


August 14th - Herbert Kenway, son of Herbert and Edith Jessie Hopper.