The Vicarage,
January 28th, 1924.

My Dear Friends,

The Church Council have now drawn up a Scheme for the enlargement of the Churchyard and it was finally approved by them at their meeting on January 14th. We now want to put it before the parishioners generally and for this purpose a Public Meeting will be held in the Schoolroom on Monday, February 11th, at 7 p.m. All parishioners are invited, to attend this meeting and we hope that many will do so. We should like to have the Scheme fully discussed and we shall welcome any criticisms upon it. As I have said before, the Church Council is legally in charge of the Churchyard and responsible for what is done, but this is a matter in which the whole parish is interested and we want to feel that any work that is carried out has the hearty approval of all parishioners. Please, therefore, come to the Meeting and hear what is proposed, and, if you like, ask any questions and express your views. By doing so, you will show your interest in this work which we all feel is necessary and important, and you will be helping to make it successful.

At the Meeting on January 14th, the Church Council also revised the Electoral Roll which is the list of those who are entitled to attend the Annual Church Meeting and to elect the members of the Council. A few names had to come off the Roll and the names of others who might be included in it were mentioned. Anyone is entitled to have his or her name placed upon the Roll who is (1) eighteen years of age; (2) resides in the parish, or has habitually attended services in the Church for the past year; (3) a member of the Church of England and does not belong to any religious body which is not in communion with the Church of England. The form of "Declaration as to Qualification" must be signed. Copies of this form will be found in the Church and it is hoped that any who are not yet entered on the Roll and are qualified to be so will sign and hand in the form. The date for the Annual Church Meeting has not yet been fixed, but it will probably be held in about a month from now. The Roll has to be completed 14 days before this Meeting, so we shall be glad to receive signed forms by the middle of February at the latest.

January has been a month of many social gatherings and entertainments in our parish. On the 2nd there was the children's Fancy Dress Dance in the Club Room and a very pretty sight it was, and thoroughly enjoyed by the large number of children present. Mrs. Witherington and the other ladies who organised it were thanked and congratulated. On the 3rd, Lady Haggard kindly gave the Choir boys tea and a good time at Hartlip House. On the 9th, there was the Entertainment Committee's Whist Drive and Dance. On the 10th, the members of the Women's Meeting were invited to a Tea and Social Evening in the Club Room, when the little ones of the Infants' Sunday School sang and showed something of what is done in the School. On the 11th, the Choir men and Bellringers spent the evening at the Vicarage. On the 23rd, a company of men (why men only?) spent a pleasant evening at a "Cribbage Drive" in the Club Room. Last, but not least, on the 25th, there was the great Whist Drive and Fancy Dress Dance in the School-

room, organised by the Entertainment Committee. It may certainly be classed "A 1" for the large number present, the dresses, the refreshments, and the general "go" of the whole thing. These are all the entertainments during the month that I can remember (possibly I have left some out) but they show that Hartlip can't be accused of being a dull place!

I remain,

Your sincere Friend and Vicar,

The Cricket Club.

The Annual Meeting was held in the Club Room, on January 16th; Col. Locke presided and 18 members were present. The accounts were presented and showed a balance of £4/13/1½, but most of this will be required for new materials at the opening of the coming season.

Of the matches played last gear, 9 were won and 12 lost. Mr. R. Harriss won the bat presented by Mr. Luck for the best batting average and Mr. P Harriss that presented by Col. Locke for the best bowling average.

For the coming Season the following Officers were elected:- Captain, Mr. W. H. Miles; Vice-Captain, Mr. G. Kitchingham; Committee - Messrs. W. H, Luck, W. A. Miles, P. Harriss, R. Savage, H. Pepper, E. T. Friar, S. D. Hollands, H. Twort, and C. Harriss; Umpires, The Rev. D. H. Creaton, Messrs. W. H. Luck, G. E. Sone, and W. A. Miles; Scorers, Messrs. E. T. Friar, S. D. Hollands and R. Friar; Hon. Secretary and Treasurer, Mr, W. G. Kitchingham.

The Bellringers have re-elected Mr. E. T. Friar as their Captain, Mr. W. G. Kitchingham as Vice-Captain, and Mr. S. D. Hollands as Secretary.

We all appreciate the time and care the ringers give to their work for the Church and parish, and it is nice to know that two or three new members have come into the band.



Jan. 20th - Winifred Gertrude, daughter of William George and Gertrude Alice Kitchingham.

  "  20th - Nora Joan Frances, daughter of Henry Sidney and Edith May Brooke.


Jan. 5th - William Joseph Nelson and Isabel Clout.

Collections in Church.

Jan.1 etc.-Vicar's Fund070
"6th-Church Expenses1810
"13th-Quota to Diocesan Funds1610
"20th-Church Expenses192
"27th-Church Expenses192