Hartlip Parish Magazine - on-line archive
April 1924 : page 2 (of 6)
The Vicarage,
28th March, 1924.
My Dear Friends,
It was disappointing to find so few of those who had their names entered on the Church Roll of Electors present at the Annual Church Meeting on March 10th. However, I hope and think that the small attendance did not imply a lack of interest in Church affairs for I believe many in the parish have a real interest in them only they leave it to the few to carry them on. Perhaps they think that they are not wanted and can read about what happens at meetings in the Magazine! May I say that it does help when people show their interest and take a part in what goes on in the Church or social life? I always try to rub this in hard for I feel it strongly so you must allow the speak my mind.
At the Meeting various Accounts were presented and passed and they are printed in this number of the Magazine. I feel that it is a good thing to get accounts into print as it puts them clearly before the parish generally, and a better record is kept of them. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded to Col. Locke for all his work in connection with the Churchwardens' Accounts.
The Members of the Church Council are:- Col. Locke, Sir Wm. Haggard, Messrs. W. Miles J. Harriss, E. T. Friar, S. D. Hollands, W. Kitchingham, F. Musselwhite, W. S. Stevens, Mrs. Creaton, Miss Faussett-Osborne, Mrs. E. Friar, Mrs. L. Hales, and Mrs. L. Rainey.
Messrs. J. Harriss, W. Miles and S. D. Hollands were elected as the representatives to the Ruri-Decanal Conference and Miss Faussett-Osborne as the representative on the R. D. Finance Board. The sidesmen appointed are:- Messrs. J. Harriss, G. Harriss, W. Hills, W. S. Stevens, S. D. Holland§, F. Musselwhite, E. T. Frier, and L. Hales.
It is with regret that we lose Mr. Labrum as the Hon. Secretary of the Council and a hearty vote of thanks was passed to him for his work in this office for nearly all the time the Council has been in existence. Of Mr. Labrum's retirement from the Headmastership of the School and from other work in the parish I do not wish to speak now. I hope to have the opportunity of saying something next month.
The Sub-Committee, appointed to consider the form of appeal for funds to carry out the enlargement of the Churchyard, has drafted a letter which is shortly to be sent to every house in the parish. It is proposed to ask certain ladies and gentlemen to undertake the delivery of these letters and the collection of Subscriptions. I believe that there will be a ready response to the appeal at every house, and that all will gladly take their part in the work. Some may like to promise a certain sum to be paid at, say, so much a month. The Collectors will, I am sure, fall in with any arrangements for payment that may suit the givers.
It has been good to see such large congregations iu the Church on the Sunday evenings in Lent so far and at the Special Services on the Tuesdays.
I remain,
Your sincere Friend and Vicar,
Services in Holy Week (April 13th to 19th) and on Easter Day.
PALM SUNDAY. - 5 a.m. Holy Communion, 11 a.m. Matins and Sermon, 6.30 p.m. Evensong & Sermon.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 11 a.m. Matins and Epistle and Gospel.
Wednesday, 7 p.m. - Preparation for Easter Communion.
Maundy Thursday, - 8 a.m. Holy Communion. 11 a.m. Matins and Epistle and Gospel.
GOOD FRIDAY. - 11 a.m. Matins, Ante-Communion and Sermon.
2 p.m. Children's Service.
7.30 p.m. An hour's Meditation on our Lord's Passion with Lantern Pictures and Sacred Music.
Saturday. - 8 a.m. Matins.
EASTER DAY. - Holy Communion at 7 a.m., 8 a.m. and Mid-day.
11. a.m. Matins and Sermon.
3 p.m. Children's Service.
6.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon.
Collections in Church.
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£ | s. | d. | ||||
Mar. | 2nd | - | Church Expenses | 1 | 2 | 9 |
" | 9th | - | Quota to Diocesan Funds | 2 | 1 | 4 |
" | 16th | - | Church Expenses | 1 | 11 | 7 |
" | 23th | - | Church Expenses | 1 | 10 | 10 |
" | 5th & 25th - Vicar's Fund | 0 | 3 | 0 |
March 2nd - Betty Nora, daughter of Edwin Thomas and Alice Ethel Friar.
Feb. 27th - Stanley Waters, aged 23 months.
Mrs. Creaton greatly appreciated a very pleasant surprise prepared for her by the Members of the Women's Meeting on her return amongst them on March 27th. when they kindly presented her with a beautiful little gold brooch for her infant daughter - who, fortunately, attended the Meeting that day!