Hartlip Parish Magazine. May, 1923.

The Vicarage,
April 26th, 1923.

My Dear Friends,

At the combined Meeting of the Vestry and the Parochial Church Council, held on April 5th, the thanks of the Parishioners were given to the Officers of the Church for all their valuable work during the pastyear and such expression of thanks was no mere matter of form. I have myself been here long enought to appreciate how much we owe to our willing helpers in many departments of Churhc work.

Colonel Locke again kindly accepted office as Vicar's Warden and Sir William Haggard was re-elected as People's Warden. The sum of £5/3/3 was handed to me as the "Easter Offerings" for the Dilapidations of the Benefice and I wish to express my thanks to those who contributed to the collections on Easter Day. The Vicar is, of course, responsible for repairs to the Vicarage House and buildings and the glebe fences. These should be done every five years to the satisfaction of the Diocesan Surveyor. I propose to pay in to the Dilapidations Fund £10 a year which (with the assistance given from the Fund) should nearly or quite cover the cost of Dilapidations at the end of five years. The Easter Offerings are a welcome help towards this premium. It may interest those who kindly contribute to know how money is applied.

The Special Service at Rogationtide, has, I understand, for some years past, been quite a feature of Hartlip and attended by Clergy and others from outside the Parish. It will be held this year, on Tuesday, May 8th, at 7 p.m. and we are looking forward to a large gathering in our Churchyard for it. It is good that we should observe the ancient custom of meeting together at this time to ask for God's blessing upon our labours in field, orchard and garden.

The Bishop of Dover has now fixed Thursday, May 24th, at 7 p.m., for the Confirmation in our Church. It is many years since a Confirmation was held here and I am sure that you will make a special effort to be present at the Service, to join in prayer for those on whom the Bishop lays his hands and to be witnesses of their Confirmation.

Three of the Greater Festivals of the Church come in this month. Ascension Day (Thursday 10th), when there will be Children's Service 9 a.m, Holy Communion at 10.30 a.m. and Evensong with Sermon at 7 p.m. Whit-Sunday (20th), Holy Communion at 8 a.m. and at mid-day, and

a Special Children's Service at 3 p.m. Trinity Sunday (27th), Holy Communion at 8 a.m.

A request was made at the Vestry Meeting that the amount and object of the collections in Church each Sunday should be inserted in the Magazine. I am also asked to make it clear, that, when no announcement is made at the Services as to what the collections are for, it should be understood that they are for "Church Expenses."

I am, your sincere Friend and Vicar,


The Clothing Club which has been in abeyance for some months is being re-started. Payments may be made at the School on any Monday, at 12 o'clock.


April1st and 3rd, Dilapidation's Fund533
"8th-Quota to Diocesan Funds1811
"15th-Church Expenses163
"22nd-   "   "   185



April 21st, Alfred William, son of William Henry and Ivy Matilda Nelson.


March 15th, Sarah Jane Goatham, aged 63 years.