Hartlip Parish Magazine. July, 1923.

The Vicarage,
June 27th, 1923.

My Dear Friends,

I am sorry to have to dictate the Magazine this month from bed, but it seems that a rather active influenza germ got hold of me last week and though my temperature is now normal again, the doctor will not allow me to get up for a few days yet. I am sorry to have to miss being at our Services in Church on two Sundays. Colonel Locke has (with his usual readiness) kindly arranged for most of the Srviees to be carried on, and I am grateful to those who have stepped into the breach.

It has been delightful to see the large gatherings in the Vicarage garden on the two Sunday evenings and to have the band to play to us. We not only enjoyed the music but the opportunity of the social gathering. I regretted that it was thought well to give this up on the last Sunday in June but I hope Miss Faussett-Osorne will be able to arrrange for an "extra" in July. It has been now definitely settled that the band shall play on the third Sunday in July (15th) and on the third Sunday in August.

It will be seen that the collections for the Greek Refugees amounted to £2 13s. Od. and the Secretary in acknowledging the receipt, says, "On behalf of my council I wish to convey to you, and through you to the members of your congregation, their very grateful thanks for this kind gift."

The leader of the Bell Ringers asks me to state the Magazine that the first Friday in each month during the summer is practice night for the Ringers. Will those who are making arrangements for meetings, etc., please bear this in mind.

Your sincere Friend and Vicar,



The village owed much in the early months of the year to the activities of those ladies and gentlemen who formed themselves into a committee for providing entertainment during the dark evenings. The Whist Drives and Dances, and the Concerts by the "Non-Pessimists" were greatly appreciated. The Secretary asks that the following Balance Sheet may be printed in the Magazine. We must congratulate the Secretary and the committee upon the success of their efforts both socially and financially.


The Committee have arranged for a meeting to be held in the Vicarage Garden on Tuesday Thursday, July 10th, at 3 p.m., when Mrs. Lister from Canterbury, has kindly promised to give an address. It is hoped that all present members will try and attend this meeting, and we should particularly like to see at it any who are not yet members but who would like to hear more about the Mothers' Union.



June3-Church Expenses1911
"10-Parish Quota to Diocesan Funds2167
"11-Vicar's Fund007
"17-Greek Refugees2130
"24-Church Expenses191



June 3 Raymond Charles, son of Henry Thomas Milner and Ida Lucy Skinner


Feb. 9th. Whist Drive and Dance10910Feb 9th. Expenses6810½
  "   14th Series of Whist Drives and91911To Cricket Club4011½
Mar. 20th Dances in Club Room  "   Expenses311
  "   9th Concert410Mar. 20th
  "   20th Mrs. Gavin-Jones from600Apr. 6th Dresses3195
Jumble Sale  "   6th Cartage and Stamps051
  "   23rd From Newington Concert0150  "   11th Expenses116
Apr. 10th From Stockbury Concert0100  "   21st Football Club100
  "   11th Concer400June 1st to Gardeners' Association1186
Balance in Bank1400

H. F. Witherington, Hon. Secretary.