Hartlip Parish Magazine - on-line archive
December 1921 : page 2 (of 2)
Hartlip Parish Magazine. December 1921.
October, 1921.
We duly marked November 6th as "Armistice Sunday," adopting the special form of service for the day, in which the Exhortation was quite a new one; special Psalms and Lessons, with Hymns to suit. Both services were very solemn and appealing, especially the evening one when we sang that soul stirring Hymn 437, "For all the saints who from their labours rest." Finally "The Last Post" and the "Reveille," were sounded on the Organ; then "God save the King," and the dead silence which followed the blessing; all of which made a marked impression. I desire to express my gratitude to the Organist and Choir for their valuable assistance that day.
November 11th, Armistice Day was a fine sunny morning, similar to three years ago. At 10.40 a.m. we began our little service in the Lady Chapel, by singing "The Supreme Sacrifice" - "O Valiant Hearts," etc., to Pax Dei, accompanied on the Organ; three Prayers for Peace and a brief address: the two minutes silence, and "O God our help in ages past." So ended an impressive little service in our little country church, when we felt we were in touch with tens of thousands, the world o'er, who were doing the very same thing.
Armistice Day is in very truth a great Remembrance Day. The Israelites were commanded to keep their day of deliverance from Egyptian bondage, as a Day of Remembrance every year, so that they might never forget that from which they had escaped. Therefore seeing that we just escaped from probably as bitter a German bondage, in the year 1918. It seems fitting that we should duly observe November 11th every year as a "Remembrance Day" on which specially to thank God for our deliverance: and also to commemorate those who fell: -
"O valiant hearts, who to your glory came
Through dust of confict and through battle flame;
Tranquil you lie, your knightly virtue proved,
Your memory hallowed in the land you loved."
Everybody connected with our village, must have been very pleased to hear the Church Clock striking again; for every passer-by missed it. Well, it has been thoroughly cleaned, new steel ropes put in, all worn parts replaced, the dial and its inscription re-painted. This proved to be a very expensive undertaking - between £20 and £30 - which our excellent friend Lt.-Col. H. L. Webb most readily and generously desired to defray. I am sure he has the Parish's gratitude, for readily renovating the 1884 gift of his late father.
In the September Magazine I asked for a Bible for use in the pulpit, of clear, distinct type, in faith that some reader would respond. The wife of one of our cottagers expressed a desire to supply this want, and authorised me to make the purchase; which was done at the Bond Street Depot of the S.P.C.K. The type being Small Pica, in red basil binding. I am most grateful to these two parishioners for their useful gift, and at the time when it was wanted.
The Great Washington Conference is now sitting, the like of which has never been known in the long history of the world. Its aims, as you are aware, are to arrest the mad and endless race in the production of Armaments, which is ruining the nations. It would be equal folly for one nation to do this alone; it necessitates an agreement amongst the Great Powers. Amidst the tragedies of the Great War, there has evolved this heaven-conceived principle - Peace is Divine, War is Satanic - it is therefore up to every Christian man, woman and child, yea every nation and country to propogate this principle.
Advent is with us, telling us to - Prepare for Christ is coming. Then use it to prepare to meet Him with joy at the Christmas Communion. The Calendar tells you the times. Let us not forget, that December 25th, this year, is also the LORD'S DAY reserve your hilarity for the day after. Our Evening Service will be at 3.30 with Carols. A happy peaceful Christmas to you all.
Your faithful Friend and Pastor,
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Calendar. | |||
Dec. | 11. | - | Ember Pence Envelopes in Church. |
" | 14, 16, 17. - Ember Days. | ||
" | 18. | - | Return Ember Pence. |
" | 21. | - | St. Thomas. 10 Mattins and "Dole" distributed. |
" | 23. | - | 10 a.m., Decorating the Church. |
" | 25. | - | CHRISTMAS DAY. SUNDAY. 8.0 a.m. Holy Communion. 11.0. Mattins and Sermon, 12.0. Holy Communion. 3.30. Evensong and Carols. |
" | 26. | - | St. Stephen. Holy Communion |
" | 27. | - | St. John, E. 10 a. m. |
" | 28. | - | Holy Innocents. |
" | 28. | - | Holy Innocents. Children's Service 10,45 a.m. Collection for Waifs and Strays. |