Hartlip Parish Magazine - May, 1920.

Dear Friends,

The innovation of having a Service of Sacred Music in keeping with the solemn character of the day, on Good Friday evening, was fully justified from every point of view. To give "Stainer's Crucifixion" was certainly an ambitous undertaking, but all those concerned rose to the occasion, and rendered their part with feeling and expression; very much to the pleasure of the large congregation, who fully appreciated, by their rapt attention, this effort.

Mr. Rogers is to be congratulated on the splendid assistance of his friends - Mr. Wadey, the tenor soloist in particular; on the loyal co-operation of the Choir, and in being able to carry this undertaking through, notwithstanding serious unforeseen difficulties which arose on the eve.

The Church was charmingly decorated for Easter, from end to end, and I would express our gratitude to both decorators and those who sent flowers and loaned plants.

Easter Day proved to be one of our best and most helpful of Festivals. At the 8 a.m. Celebration we had a large congregation, who heartily joined in the unaccompanied hymns.

Including the Monday morning Celebration, I was very pleased to note the attendance of some who had not been recently.

The Offertories, as per custom, were on behalf of the Dilapidations Premium Fund of the Living, and amounted to £5/7/0 towards the said premium of £7/8/8.

The Annual Easter Vestry was held on the Monday in Easter Week, in the Schools; all the funds were in a flourishing condition, indicating a healthy generous-minded Churchmanship, seeing that we had helped a number of needy non-parochial objects.

On Easter Tuesday, April 6th, the G.F.S., under the superintendence of Mrs. McMillan, held a small Sale in the Schoolroom, behalf of the S.P.G.; the weather was very doubtful, yet purchasers were fairly numerous. The Juniors, with the valuable assistance of Miss Ettles, acted the Charade, "Catastrophe," with great success, while varous recitations and songs filled up the programme. Some five pounds were cleared from this very modest effort.

Sunday, April 18th, should remain a red letter day for us, seeing that our Parish War Memorial was unveiled that afternoon, with one of the most impressive services possible; which the Rev. J. T. Henwood assisted, me.

The Cross, conspicuous and substantial, and the names of the ten fallen, prominent and clear in the crescent were unveiled by Brig.-General H. R. Adair, C.B.E., R.A., with an address, which for high tone, inspired with the spirit of practical citizenship, was all

that could be desired for this unique occasion, and am sure every one of the large assembly must have felt grateful for such helpful and sympathetic words.

On Rogation Sunday, May 9th, the Central Church Fund will appeal to all Church people to give to their utmost on that day, for the carrying on "of Church work for the Nation, over and above what Dioceses and Parishes can do." The aim is to raise, for the year 1920 - to meet urgent needs - at least a sum of £250,000. Our ancient Church has great opportunities in the interests of the Nation; let us see that we do our level best to equip her for this great work, by providing the ways and means.

May 11th is the date for our Annual Open-Air Service in the Churchyard, to begin at 7 p m.; it should, appeal to us in a country parish especially, being the one great occasion in the year when we implore the Divine blessing on the crops. I invite the Parish to come and join is this unique service, the only one of its kind, in this part of the county known to me. Forms of service provided.

May 13th, the Festival of our Lord's Ascension. when He actually returned to Heaven, is such, that if we fully realise, we will not fail to celebrate, by joining in the joyful services of that day. Of course the festival of the Holy Ghost on the 23rd is itself, a sufficient call to us, to be, like the Apostles of old, "all with one accord in our place."

Thursday, May 27th, the Lord Bishop of Dover has kindly promised to dedicate the "Porch War RECORD" at 7 p.m. This, as its name is neither more nor less than a complete record of the Hartlip men, who joined up to serve their Country and King in the time of danger.

Your Faithful Friend and Pastor,


May.1.-St. Philip and St. James, Holy Communion 8 a.m.
"11.-Annual Rogation Service in Churchyard 7 p.m.
"13.-Ascension Day, 9 a.m. Children's Service.
Holy Communion 10.30 a.m.
Short Evening Service 7.30.
"23.-Whitsun Day. Holy Communion 8 and 12.
Flower and Egg Service at 3 o'clock.
Please take Ember Pence Envelope.
"26, 28 and 29 - Ember Days.
"27.-Dedication of Porch War Record by the Bishop of Dover 7 p.m.
"30.-Please hand in Ember Pence Envelope.