Hartlip Parish Magazine - June, 1919.

Dear Friends,

The Annual Accounts presented at the Easter Vestry meeting were in a most healthy state. Although we have helped nearly a score of objects outside the parish, such as the Red Cross, Prisoners of War, Serbians, Palestine Relief, Clergy Orphan Schools, Home for the Dying Poor, etc., yet we closed the year with over £13 in hand, which is surprisingly good for a time of war. At some inconvenience Mr. Gerald Denson filled the post of People's Warden for some months, for which we are grateful to him. To this position, Sir Wm. Haggard was elected for the coming year, together with Major Locke as Vicar's Warden: the two new sidemen being Messrs. Stewart Stevens and S. D. Hollands, the former of whom is kindly assisting with the accounts.

While being most grateful that our Church Finances are so satisfactory, let us not forget that after all there is something of far more importance, viz., the spiritual condition of our own souls. The Auditor signified that our accounts were most satisfactory! What would the Heavenly Auditor say in examining the condition of our souls? If we are honest with ourselves, we know He would discover in each too much that displeases Him.

And in our best moments, every one of us has a longing to be what God desires us. I believe many were helped in their spiritual life by the Lenten and Good Friday services. Well, with the object of our being further helped in this way, I have invited the Tait Missioner of Canterbury Diocese, who is so highly gifted and with such a wide experience in such matters, to come here. He will visit Hartlip on Sunday, June 22, and preach, and address a Women's Service on the Monday.

I ask EVERY ONE who reads this letter to pray daily for God's blessing on the Missioner's visit to us. We can all do this, and if we sincerely and earnestly do so, God verily will pour down a blessing beyond our thoughts. "Pray, brethren, pray." This is our part, viz. to prepare the ground for the seed; let us do it.

Whitsunday, June 8, is the Festival of the Holy Ghost. We read that the followers of Christ "were all with one accord in one place." When

shall this be so again, unity of spirit and unity of place? Whitsunday, then, speaks of the great principle of Unity amongst those who love the Lord Jesus Christ.

There were quite a number of applicants of all ages for the post of organist, all of whom were fascinated with the sweetness and tone of our valuable instrument. But from every point of view, after full consideration, the dominating candidate seemed to be Mr. J. Rogers, although somewhat young for such a post. He began, his duties on Low Sunday, April 27th, and I believe will fully justify our hopes.

Though not much has thus far been said re the Church Porch "War Memorial," yet you may be surprised to hear that some seven pounds have - though quite unsolicited - been received for that object which will record the name of each man who served from Hartlip, on the Porch panels, therefore I feel sure that this memorial will appeal to us all. It is most gratifying to know that the Parish Memorial Cross has been so universally supported.

Believe me, your faithful friend,


June-Pray daily for the Missioner's visit.
"4-Quarterly Intercessions and Sermon by the Bishop of Honduras, Newington Church, 3 p.m.
"8-Whitsunday -
Holy Communion, 8 and 12 o'clock.
Egg and Flower Service, 3 o'clock.
"9-Whit Monday, Holy Communion, 10.30 a.m.
"11, 13, 14 - Ember Days
"15-Trinity Sunday, Prayer for the work of the G.F.S.
"22-Visit of the Missioner -
8 a.m., Holy Communion.
11 and 6.30, preacher, the Missioner.
And at the Children's Service, 3.0.
"23-Monday, Service and Address to Women 2.30 p.m.
"24-Nativity of St. John Baptist, Holy Communion, 10.30 a.m.