Hartlip Parish Magazine - on-line archive
May 1918 : page 2 (of 2)
Hartlip Parish Magazine - May, 1918.
Dear Friends,
Lack of space last month prevented my referring to the wedding of Sergt. Richard W. Harris and Amy Bradley, which took place at Preston Church. We wish him and his cheery bride all happiness, and though at the front he may have much yet to go through, we trust he may come home safe and well.
Our Church looked very beautiful on Easter Day, and for all their care and devoted labour I wish to thank the decorators. The Services were hearty and helpful, and congregations good.
The Easter Vestry Meeting was held in the Schoolroom on Easter Monday, April 1, at 6.30. The Church Accounts showed the finances to be in a most satisfactory state, with a balance - when an outstanding bill is paid - of over £10 in hand. This is rather remarkable, seeing that the various appeals during the past year have been so many and pressing. Of course we have practised strict economy; and so kept down expenditure; fortunately outlay on the fabric has been almost nil but that may occur any day, therefore a good balance is necessary, and the Churchwardens rely during this year upon the generous support of all to the Church Expenses Offertories.
The Special Offertories amounted to £38 4s. 3d., as we assist numerous organizations outside the Parish. Our quota, being the amount raised for Diocesan Funds, was well above the assessment.
The Vicar nominated Major Locke as his Warden and Mr. T. E. Denson (though too unwell to be present) was elected People's Warden and a resolution expressive of our best wishes and sympathy was unanimously passed.
The sum raised by the Eastertide Offertories, £5 2s. 10d., was handed to the Vicar towards meeting the Dilapidation Premium of £7 8s. 8d.
It is pleasing to record that several of our readers have subscribed sums of 6d. to 2s. 6d. towards the extra cost of printing the Magazine, which is most encouraging. We have been trying to re-arrange and renovate the Stunt Chapel, to make it more conducive to reverent worship. The old Dossel, replaced by the Reredos in 1908, has been cut down to suit, and hangs under the east window: the two Chests moved out, and the vestry table placed at the east end - possibly restored to its original use. A great addition has been an oil painting of the Christ, most kindly and generously given by Major and Mrs. R. G. E. Locke; which was purchased by the late Mr. Locke in Florence, many years ago. This picture placed over the Altar, just gives the necessary tone to the Chapel, so much desired. A cross, candlesticks, donations are very necessary.
The Roll of Honour, the list of our heroic dead, has been beautifully mounted and framed and also placed in the Chapel. The latter we now use regularly for week-day services, and trust many may frequently drop in there for quiet meditation, as also to pray for our brave men, in these awful days of battle, and ask God for victory.
On Palm Sunday morning at Grainey Farm, there passed to her rest Jane Godden, after a somewhat brief illness, although she had been ailing some time: yet she struggled bravely to look after her home and her devoted brother as long as possible. She was a regular communicant, and most earnest Church goer; indeed her heart was ever in God's House.
May 7 is the Rogation Day, when (D.V.) we hope to hold our Open Air Service outside the Church.
May 9 is Ascension Day, when our Lord returned to Heaven, which we should try to observe by joining in some of the bright services in Church.
May 19 is the great Festival of the Holy Ghost, a day which speaks for itself. I would remind you of the Flower and Egg Service at 3 o'clock, both of which gifts will be sent to the Hospitals for the soldiers.
Your faithful friend and Vicar,
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"Go ye, make Christians of all nations, baptizing them." | |||
Apr. | 7 | - | Arthur, son of George and Minnie Rye. |
" | 7 | - | Marjorie Alice, daughter of Frank A. and Emma E. Whitehead. |
" | 7 | - | Myrtle, daughter of George W. and Annie Ellen Weller. |
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BURIAL. | |||
"Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord." | |||
Mar. | 28 | - | Jane Godden, aged 55 years. |
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May | 7 | - | Rogation. Service in Churchyard for Country and crops, 7.30 p.m. |
" | 9 | - | Ascension Day. 9 a.m., Children's Service, 10.30, Holy Communion. 7.30, Evensong and Address. |
" | 19 | - | Whitsunday. 8 and 11, Holy Communion. 3 p.m., Children's Flower and Egg Service. |
" | 29 | - | Newington Church, 3.0. Bishop Tinnevelly preaches. |