APRIL, 1917.

Dear Friends,

I am afraid you may be disappointed in the letter this month, which I am not able to write in the usual way. You probably know I have been laid up with bronchitis, following upon a two-month bad throat, both of which have reduced me to a great state of weakness. However, I am making am attempt to dictate this letter, as I am anxious you should receive it before Easter. As in former years, I have again secured a series of suitable slides for our Good Friday evening Service, at 7 p.m., in Church. The title of this series of pictures is "Cæsar's Friends." We have not had anything like this before, and it is very suggestive, for Cæsar's friends may be more numerous than people think. The Service is open to all adults; children can only be admitted with their parents. The Collection, after paying for the slides, is given to the Society for the Conversion of the Jews.

I hope to arrange for the Services as usual on Easter Day, but if there have to be any alterations, notice will he put on the Churchyard board. I trust all our Communicants will not neglect the Queen of Festivals.

This is one special day in all the year when the Church says every Communicant should be present, and the great happenings of to-day are a striking call to the deafest of ears. As I am writing this a house-to-house collection for St. Bartholomew's Hospital is going on, undertaken by five of the parishioners, but the result must stand over until the next issue.

The continued cold weather has prolonged my illness, therefore this letter must be very brief which I feel sure you will understand and forgive.

Your faithful Friend and Pastor,


Feb.4-Armenian Refugee Fund140
"11-Church Expenses0147
"25-Church Expenses0173
On two Wednesdays and Alms Box for C.E.T.S.047