MARCH, 1912.

Dear Friends,

As promised last month, I had tickets of admission printed, and gave two to every householder in the Parish who takes in our Magazine; so that, quite regardless of Creed, they should have the privilege of hearing the Lecture on the "Church Monthly," given by its Editor, Fredk. Sherlock, Esq., who has directed its course since its birth, about a quarter of a century ago. The slides were very clear, as shown by my lantern, which worked very well that night.

He showed us many of those large beautiful pictures which have appeared in the Magazine, and were procured specially for that purpose, sometimes at great cost; and told us the interesting stories attaching thereto. His experiences with would-be contributors were decidedly amusing, for every article appearing in the Magazine is paid for, whether the writer be a Poet or the Prime Minister.

Mr. Locke proposed a vote of thanks, and hoped Mr. Sherlock would come again. The latter promised to do so, whenever the Vicar should ask him, and lecture on "Dickens" or "Punch."

It was with profound regret that we all heard of the sudden death of Mrs. Henry Webb, which occurred at eventide on Friday, February 9, at 4, Stafford Terrace, Kensington. Her health had been much impaired of recent years, yet her marked vigour of last summer raised our hopes of being able to welcome her in our midst many summers yet to come, and to see her in the Parsonage pew, which we were sure to do, if she was at all fit; for "she was much attached to Hartlip Church and its Services," always being present both on Sundays and Saints' Days. Many have said "we shall miss her," not the least the aged Pilgrim, to whom she read every Sunday afternoon, carrying to him a gleam of sunshine of things eternal.

On Tuesday, February 13, in our quiet Churchyard, we laid her body - with the sweet melody of "Peace, Perfect Peace," on our lips - to rest in the grave of her dear boy Geoffrey, till the Resurrection morning shall dawn.

From the foregoing it will be seen why we postponed our grand Entertainment fixed for February 15, which we hope to arrange to be given on Easter Tuesday, if possible; therefore, keep it in mind.

A muffled peal was rung on the evening of the 13th in our Tower.

Another family in the Parish is bereaved, viz., Mr. and Mrs. Denson, whose second son, Mr. Percy Denson, lost his wife on the evening of February 8, to whom we tender our sincere sympathy.

Notwithstanding evil predictions, our King and Queen returned in safety from their historic tour in India on February 5. They accomplished more than was even anticipated, and succeeded in drawing out

"a thousand tokens of affection" to their own persons, and of loyalty to the British throne.

Hence the Services of Thanksgiving throughout the land - ours on the 11th - for the above blessings

We have entered the Lenten season once again; what shall we deprive ourselves in it? It is a test our control of self, when we are able to give up, or do without, something we LIKE VERY MUCH. Let us also try to have every day, if only five minutes, quiet by ourselves, alone with God "face to face." It will be the best spent time, and will make this Lent one we will never forget, and bring us a joyful Eastertide. God give us the will so to do.

I ask far your earnest prayers on behalf of the boys and girls who are preparing to be confirmed on March 22.

Yours sincerely,


March1-Friday. Litany and Reading, 3 p.m.
"6-Wednesday. Litany and Reading, 10.30 a.m.
"7-Lenten Service. Preacher, Rev. J. G. Easton, 7.30 p.m,.
"8-Friday. Litany and Reading, 3 p.m.
"10-Preacher, 11 and 6.30, the Rev. R. G .Cooper; Elmsted.
"13-Wednesday. Litany and Reading, 10.30.
"14-Lenten Service. Preacher, Rev. J. G. Easton, 7.30 p.m,
"15-Friday, Litany and Reading, 3 p.m
"20-Wednesday, Litany and Reading.
"21-Lenten Service. Preacher, the Rev J. G. Easton, 7.30 p.m.
"22-Friday, Confirmation at Rainham Church, 3 p.m.
"24-Temperance Sermons. Preacher, 11, the Rev. G. M. Scott. Offertories all for the C.E.T.S.
"25-Feast of the Annunciation. Holy Communion, 10.30 a.m.
"27-Wednesday, Litany and Reading, 10.30.
"28-Lenten Service. Preacher, Rev. J. G. Easton, 7.30 p.m,
"29-Friday, Litany and Reading, 3 p.m.
Jan.1-A. C. S.0210
"7-Church Expenses105
"14-Diocesan Church Building104
"21-Church Expenses01811
"25-A. C. S.013
"28-Church Expenses0194
Feb.13-Annie Bowen Webb, aged 79 years.