JUNE, 1912.

Dear Friends,

In very propitious weather and a calm spring evening, a large number of parishioners congregated in our trim Churchyard on Tuesday, May 19, at 7 o'clock, for our second annual Rogation Service, the order of which was exactly the same as a year ago. Clergy and Choir proceeded to the north side of the Church and sang "Have mercy on us, Lord Most High"; here the Lesson, Psalm, and prayers were expressions of penitence; those on the east side - Spring - were full of hope and promise; those on the south side - Summer - told how "Thou crownest the year with Thy goodness"; and the West - Autumn - "That Thou wouldst prosper the work of our hands by Thy heavenly benediction."

In a concluding address one tried to show the duty of acknowledging God in nature as well as in the spirit world; it is ours to plough and to plant, but results must be left to Another.

Ascension Day was observed by having the three usual Services - 8.30 a.m. for children, 10.30 Celebration, and 8 p.m. Evensong. I hope many more (D.V.) will try to observe this festival in the future. It is quite equal in importance to Christmas Day, and should be observed by ALL.

On May 19 we gave some thought to the Empire Movement, which knows no party or sect, but states, initially, that a British citizen should "Fear and Love God," therefore it is evident this movement is based on true religion, and is an earnest endeavour to raise the standard of life and character throughout the Empire of all classes of citizens. Therefore, in that way our Empire may be the greatest world influence in the extension of Christ's Empire.

We hope to have a small Sale of Work in the Vicarage Garden on Friday, June 7, to open at 3 p.m., where useful articles, wearable garments, trays and baskets - Hartlip made - will be temptingly displayed at moderate prices. A cup of tea will be procurable, with its attractive adjuncts; and possibly a cocoa-nut shy may be discovered in a popular corner. Come and see, and enjoy yourself.

We did our little share towards the Fund four the Widows and Orphans of the "Titanic" Disaster on April 28, when our offertories amounted to £7 12s. 7d., which was duly forwarded to the Lord Mayor of London, or Mansion House Fund.

You will all be interested to hear of the marked success which has attended the Village Woodwork Class this last winter season. I am proud to state that it has gained the Champion Certificate for the best display of woodwork and drawing combined in the whole county. Then the first and second prizes for Woodwork; also the 1st Prize for Drawing, second year's work, are worthy of Hartlip; also two "Very highly commended." I hope this marked success will stimulate many to give in their names soon for next winter's class, that we may retain this TOP place in the county.

I would earnestly ask all those who care for the continuance of true religion in the land, and who give politics the second place in their mind and godli-

ness the first, to pray for the Church in Wales, that she be not despoiled of those funds which enable her to do with increasing efficiency the work for God that she has carried on for nearly 1,500 years. Can it be JUST to take from a branch of God's Church that which was given to her? Dear Friends, is it wise - to say the least - in these days when irreligion and utter indifference are so rampant in the land, and when the forces for good require strengthening, for Parliament to step in and completely WEAKEN the strongest body of Christians in Wales? Surely, every right-minded person will exclaim, "God forbid." For so to do is but joining hands with those Secularists who are aiming at the subversion of all religion, and are rejoiced at this Disendowment Bill, which is but doing their work, because it strikes such a maiming blow at the Church of Christ.

Every child of God must be grieved to see any part of His Body injured! Surely the Psalmist shows us our duty: "Oh pray, for the peace of Jerusalem, they shall prosper that love Thee."

I remain, yours sincerely,

J. S. McMillan.

April7-Augmentation of Living Retrospectively650
"14-Church Expenses128
"21-Church Expenses01910
"28-"Titanic" Disaster Fund (148 coins total of the day)7127
May5-Alfred Thomas, son of George and Ada Alice Eason, Yelsted.
June7-Sale of Work in Vicarage Garden, 3 p.m. till 8.30.
"11-St. Barnabas, A.M. - Holy Communion. 10.30 a.m.
"23-Intercessions for G.F.S. at 8 a.m. Celebration.
"24-Nativity of St. John Baptist. - Holy Communion at 10.30 a.m.