Dear Friends,

We were greatly edified on November 13 by the visit of Canon Denham, of Rochester Cathedral, who gave the address at the special Service for Communicants. There was a good attendance, and all were much impressed, as evidenced by the rapt attention given to the earnest exposition on the various aspects of the Holy Eucharist, in all its sacred mystery. And he also dwelt upon the untold blessing it is intended to be, not only to the worthy recipient, but also through him, or her, to the outside world; the "others" are to be impressed, yes, and won, possibly, by what they see of Him in your lives. God grant that men may recognise in every Communicant a striving to follow "in His steps."

Canon Denham was delighted to find that we had a Communicants' Guild, with such helpful rules, which latter are not burdensome, but do require resolution and effort to keep them. I earnestly commend this Guild to all whom it may concern as a valuable help.

Advent is here again, with its message of His Coming "to judge the quick and the dead." Men grow lax and indifferent, and seem not to heed the Advent warning. Yet that warning is very real indeed, for our Master's command is, "I say unto all WATCH." Surely, He would not thus have spoken had the necessity not been imperative.

On the three Thursday evenings in Advent we hope to have a series of Lantern Services illustrating how mankind is being prepared both at home and abroad for the Lord's Second Coming. On December 5, in the Schoolroom, the subject will probably be, "The Straits Settlements"; December 12, in Church, "The Missionary on the Sea"; December 19, in Church, "A Calcutta Village." The lecture on December 5, being in the School, questions may be asked by any one present, which will offer a means of getting information first-hand re the great and vital question of Foreign Missions. Come.

On Christmas Day, which falls on a Wednesday this time, the Celebrations will be at 8 and noon, and Mattins at 11.

Amid all the social and other claims on our time, both before and after this festive season, don't let us omit duly to prepare to make our Christmas Communion, either on that day or on one of the Saints' Days which follow.

At the time of writing this letter, one seems to hear - through the Press - the clash of arms and the cannon's roar, with all the horrors of cruel warfare; of burning villages, starving soldiers, and savage treatment of women and little children. Oh, what an

anomaly is this, in view of the message, "Peace on earth!" Let us, then, earnestly pray -

"Oh God of Love, O King of Peace,
Make wars throughout the world to cease;
The wrath of sinful men restrain,
Give peace, O God, give peace again."

We ought to be all very thankful indeed for our quiet, peaceful homeland, girt about by the watery deep which has been Britain's safeguard. May true Christmas joy be with you, in all your family gatherings and friendly meetings this happy festive season.

Yours sincerely,

J. S. McMillan.

Oct.1-Church Expenses0105
"8-Sunday School103
"15-National Society018
"21-Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution11011
"22-Church Expenses0160
Nov.3-Phyllis Annie, daughter of James Thomas and Alice Thompson, The Mount.
Dec.1-Advent Sunday. Holy Communion, at noon.
"5-Lantern, on S.P.G., in School, 7 p.m.
Questions Invited. Rev. E. G. Evans.
"8-2nd Sunday in Advent. Holy Communion, at 8.
"12-Lantern, on "Work at Sea," in Church at 7 p.m. Rev. G. P. Tonge.
"15-3rd Sunday in Advent. Holy Communion, at noon.
"19-Lantern, on Calcutta, in Church, 7 p.m.
"21-St. Thomas. Mattins, 10 a.m.
"22-4th Sunday in Advent. Holy Communion, 8 a.m.
"25-Christmas Day. Holy Communion, at 8 and 11.

Holy Communion on the Saint Days after Christmas according to notice given in Church.